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Draft Addendum II for Final Approval Final Action. Consider Draft Addendum III for Public Comment (T. Kerns) Action.
The Board tasked the Technical Committee (TC) to review the Massachusetts proposal that proposed the following changes to the Gulf of Maine (GOM) winter flounder fishery: (1) opening the recreational closed seasons to open year round and (2) increasing the commercial trip limit to 500lbs.
Review of Addendum I Management Measures. Review SARC 52 Gulf Of Maine Results and Technical Committee Recommendations. Massachusetts Gulf of Maine Winter Flounder Request.
Review Addendum I Management Measures. Review SARC 52 Gulf of Maine Results and Technical Committee Recommendations. Review Massachusetts Gulf of Maine Winter Flounder Request (D. Pierce) Possible Action.
The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Winter Flounder Technical Committee conducted a winter flounder otolith aging comparison study in 1998, to measure interpretative consistency among four readers (Appendix I). Bias measured by this study related to systematic differences detected among comparisons between readers, but did not address accuracy relative to true age.
The Southern Demersal Working Group (SDWG) prepared the stock assessment. The SDWG met during April 19-21, April 26-28, and May 3-5, 2011 at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole, MA, USA.
The assessment of GOM winter flounder stock is based on an empirical swept-area model utilizing data from the 2010 NEFSC fall survey, the MADMF fall survey, and the Maine-New Hampshire fall inshore survey.
In 2010 the SNE/MA winter flounder stock was overfished but overfishing was not occurring. The current assessment provides a new assessment model, a new assumption for the instantaneous natural mortality rate (M), and new biological reference points.
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