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In August 2012, the Winter Flounder Management Board initiated the development of an addendum to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for winter flounder to consider changing commercial trip limits and recreational measures through a an annual specification process for the Gulf of Maine and Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic winter flounder fisheries.
Three members of the Winter Flounder Advisory Panel participated in a May 6, 2013 conference call to discuss winter flounder specifications for Gulf of Maine and Southern New England winter flounder. The AP members decided to submit a report with recommendations to the Winter Flounder Management Board based on the conference call discussions and additional…
Report on the Federal Specifications and the Reopening of the Southern New England-Mid-Atlantic Winter Flounder Fishery
Consideration of Draft Addendum III for Final Action. Discussion of Specifications for Fishing Year 2013.
Consider Draft Addendum III for Final Approval (M. Yuen) Final Action. Consider Specifications for Fishing Year 2013 (M. Yuen) Action — Pending Approval of Draft Addendum III.
2012 Fishery Management Plan Review and State Compliance
Consider 2012 Fishery Management Plan Review and State Compliance (M. Yuen) Action. Consider Draft Addendum III for Public Comment (T. Kerns) Action.
In response to updated stock status information and federal action to substantially increase the GOM winter flounder state waters annual catch limit subcomponent, the Board initiated Addendum II to Amendment 1 of the Winter Flounder Interstate FMP. This Addendum changes commercial and recreational management measures for the state waters component of the GOM stock only.…
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