Northern Shrimp Amendment 4

Multi-year specifications and management triggers


In December 2024, the Northern Shrimp Section approved for public comment Draft Amendment 4 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Northern Shrimp. The Draft Amendment considers options for extending the specifications timeframe to allow for longer moratoria (i.e., two-, three-, or five-year moratoria as opposed to setting a closed season annually). The Draft Amendment also considers adding recruitment and temperature triggers to the management toolbox that could signal when biological and/or environmental conditions are favorable to support stock rebuilding and a sustainable fishery. Finally, Draft Amendment 4 considers adding the specifications setting timeframe to measures subject to change through adaptive management by providing an option for the timeframe to be changed via an addendum rather than an amendment.

The poor condition of the northern shrimp stock including failed recruitment, the lowest abundance indices on record, and unfavorable environmental conditions have resulted in uncertainties in the future status of the northern shrimp resource. Draft Amendment 4 was initiated in response to the continued depleted status of the northern shrimp stock resulting in the stock remaining under a moratorium each year since 2014.

The Gulf of Maine northern shrimp fishery is currently managed under Amendment 3 (2017) and Addendum I to Amendment 3 (2018). The original Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Northern Shrimp (1986) established the requirement for northern shrimp fishing seasons to be set annually by the Section. Amendment 1 (2004) and subsequent amendments to the FMP made no changes to the annual specifications requirement, with Amendment 3 stating, “The Section has the ability to set a closed season annually up to 366 days (i.e., impose a moratorium).” Based on the current requirements of the FMP, the maximum length of a closed season may only be modified through an amendment to the FMP.

Each year, the Technical Committee conducts a data update to incorporate the most recent fishery independent surveys and environmental indices into the longstanding timeseries, to apprise managers and stakeholders of current stock trends. While these data updates provide information on the condition of the stock and Gulf of Maine environment, they do not specify management response to changing conditions. Additionally, the ability to incorporate new data streams such as industry-based research into the northern shrimp data updates is limited. For these reasons, the Section is interested in the potential implementation of a management trigger to annual monitoring which would allow for the incorporation of new data as well as signal when biological and/or environmental conditions are favorable to support stock rebuilding and a sustainable fishery.

Each year, the Technical Committee conducts a data update to incorporate the most recent fishery independent surveys and environmental indices into the longstanding timeseries, to apprise managers and stakeholders of current stock trends. While these data updates provide information on the condition of the stock and Gulf of Maine environment, they do not specify management response to changing conditions. Additionally, the ability to incorporate new data streams such as industry-based research into the northern shrimp data updates is limited. For these reasons, the Section is interested in the potential implementation of a management trigger to annual monitoring which would allow for the incorporation of new data as well as signal when biological and/or environmental conditions are favorable to support stock rebuilding and a sustainable fishery.



December 2024: Section Approves Draft Amendment 4 for Public Comment

Public Comment Period including Public Hearings

Section Reviews Public Comment, Selects Management Options, and Considers Final Approval of Amendment 4

Commission Considers Final Approval of Amendment 4

Implementation of Amendment 4

Public Hearings

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission has scheduled a public hearing to gather input on the amendment:

Public Hearing Presentation and Recording

Public Comment

To ensure fair opportunity for public input, ASMFC offers opportunities for verbal comments on certain actions. Written comments are accepted following a specific timeline for inclusion in meeting materials. Read the guidelines for more information.

Comment Guidelines

You may submit public comment by attending a public hearing held in your state or jurisdiction or mailing, faxing, or emailing written comments to the address below. Only comments received at a public hearing or written comments submitted to the Commission will become part of the public comment record. Public comment will be accepted until 11:59 PM (EST) on March 12, 2025.

  • Mail: Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, 1050 North Highland Street, Suite 200 A-N, Arlington, VA 22201
  • Email:
  • Fax: (703) 842-0740


  • Chelsea Tuohy, Fishery Management Plan Coordinator, or 703.842.0740

Action Development Timeline & Documents

June 2024

Northern Shrimp Section Approves Amendment 4 Public Information Document for public comment.

Summer 2024

Amendment 4 Public Information Document, public comment period, and public hearings.

September 2024

Northern Shrimp Section reviews public comment on the Public Information Document and provides direction for the Northern Shrimp Plan Development Team to develop Draft Amendment 4 for public comment.

December 2024

Northern Shrimp Section reviews, modifies, and approves Draft Amendment 4 for public comment.

Next Steps

Following the public comment period and public hearings, the Section will meet in the Spring of 2025 to consider final approval of Draft Amendment 4.