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In October 2024, the Horseshoe Crab Management Board (Board) initiated Draft Addendum IX, which will consider adding an additional specifications tool that would allow for male-only harvest limits to be set for multiple years for the Delaware Bay area states (New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia). The Draft Addendum responds to recommendations from the Horseshoe Crab Management Objectives Workshop held in July 2024. The Workshop convened a small group of stakeholders to explore management objectives for the Delaware Bay-origin horseshoe crab fishery. The workshop participants recommended the Board establish an interim solution to maintain male-only harvest while changes to the Adaptive Resource Management (ARM) Framework are explored to better align the model with stakeholder values.
The ARM Framework was adopted in 2012 to manage the Delaware Bay region horseshoe crab bait fishery with consideration of horseshoe crab’s important role in the ecosystem as a food source for migratory shorebirds. Established through Addendum VII, the ARM Framework incorporates both shorebird and horseshoe crab abundance levels to set optimized harvest levels for horseshoe crabs of Delaware Bay origin. Since 2013, the Board has annually reviewed recommended harvest levels from the ARM model, and specified harvest levels for the following year in the four Delaware Bay states. In 2021, a revision to the ARM Framework was completed to update and improve the ARM model with an additional decade of data on shorebirds and horseshoe crabs in the Delaware Bay region and advancements in modeling software and techniques. The Board adopted the revised ARM Framework for setting harvest specifications for the Delaware Bay region under Addendum VIII in November 2022.
The ARM Framework was adopted in 2012 to manage the Delaware Bay region horseshoe crab bait fishery with consideration of horseshoe crab’s important role in the ecosystem as a food source for migratory shorebirds. Established through Addendum VII, the ARM Framework incorporates both shorebird and horseshoe crab abundance levels to set optimized harvest levels for horseshoe crabs of Delaware Bay origin. Since 2013, the Board has annually reviewed recommended harvest levels from the ARM model, and specified harvest levels for the following year in the four Delaware Bay states. In 2021, a revision to the ARM Framework was completed to update and improve the ARM model with an additional decade of data on shorebirds and horseshoe crabs in the Delaware Bay region and advancements in modeling software and techniques. The Board adopted the revised ARM Framework for setting harvest specifications for the Delaware Bay region under Addendum VIII in November 2022.
October 2024: Board initiated Draft Addendum IX
Plan Development Team develops Draft Addendum document for Board
consideration for public comment
Board considers Draft Addendum IX for Public Comment
March 2025
Draft Addendum IX Public Comment Period, including Public Hearings
Board considers final approval of Addendum IX
Implementation of Addendum IX
Public Hearings
The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission has scheduled a public hearing to gather input on the draft addendum:
NJ Horseshoe Crab Draft Addendum IX Hearing
Tuesday, Mar. 18, 2025
VA Horseshoe Crab Draft Addendum IX Hearing
Thursday, Mar. 20, 2025
MD Horseshoe Crab Draft Addendum IX In-Person Hearing
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2025 – 5:30 pm
DE Horseshoe Crab Draft Addendum IX Hearing
Thursday, Mar. 27, 2025 – 6:00 pm
Public Comment
To ensure fair opportunity for public input, ASMFC offers opportunities for verbal comments on certain actions. Written comments are accepted following a specific timeline for inclusion in meeting materials. Read the guidelines for more information.
Comment Guidelines
You may submit public comment by attending a public hearing held in your state or jurisdiction or mailing, faxing, or emailing written comments to the address below. Only comments received at a public hearing or written comments submitted to the Commission will become part of the public comment record. Public comment will be accepted until 11:59 PM (EST) on March 31, 2025.
- Mail: Caitlin Starks, Senior FMP Coordinator, 1050 North Highland Street, Suite 200 A-N, Arlington, VA 22201
- Email: comments@asmfc.org; Subject line: Horseshoe Crab Draft Addendum IX
- Fax: (703) 842-0740
- Caitlin Starks, Senior Fishery Management Plan Coordinator, cstarks@asmfc.org or 703.842.0740
Action Development Timeline & Documents
ARM Framework revised to update and improve the ARM model with an additional decade of data on shorebirds and horseshoe crabs in the Delaware Bay region and advancements in modeling software and techniques. External peer review endorses ARM revision.
November 2022
The Board adopts revised ARM Framework for setting harvest specifications for the Delaware Bay region under Addendum VIII in November 2022. ARM Framework output allows for limited female harvest for first time. Board approves male-only harvest based on overwhelming public support for the prohibition of female harvest.
Fall 2023
Board conducts stakeholder survey to better understand their diverse perspectives and values, and whether changes to horseshoe crab management for the Delaware Bay region should be considered.
July 2024
Commission holds Horseshoe Crab Management Objectives Workshop to increase understanding of various stakeholder perspectives and interests, and identify concerns, alternatives, and areas of common ground for HSC management to inform possible changes to the management program for the Delaware Bay region.
October 2024
Board initiates development of Draft Addendum IX in response to recommendations of the Horseshoe Crab management Objectives Workshop. Draft Addendum will consider adding an additional specifications tool that would allow for male-only harvest limits to be set for multiple years for the Delaware Bay area states.
December 2024
Plan Development Team meeting to begin development of Draft Addendum IX.
February/March 2025
The document is released for public comment through public hearings and written comment.
May 2025
The Board will meet at the Commission’s Spring Meeting (May 2025) to review submitted public comment and consider final approval of Addendum IX.