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England/Mid-Atlantic Winter Flounder Stocks; Presentation of Gulf of Maine Stock Assessment Report (P. Nitschke); Presentation of Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic Stock Assessment Report (T. Wood)
This assessment of the Gulf of Maine winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) stock is a management track assessment of the existing 2017 area-swept operational assessment (NEFSC 2017). Based on the previous assessment the biomass status is unknown but overfishing was not occurring. This assessment updates commercial and recreational fishery catch data, research survey indices of abundance,…
Striped bass, Atlantic croaker, winter flounder, summer flounder, American eel, and tautog were identified as species to evaluate for the 2019 workshop which took place from March 20-21 at the Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FL FWRI) in St. Petersburg, FL.
Consider Specifications for the 2019 Fishing Year (M. Ware) Final Action; Consider Approval of 2019 Fishery Management Plan Review and State Compliance Reports (J. Kuesel) Action; Discussion of Bell et al. 2018 Paper “Rebuilding in the Face of Climate Change” (D. Pierce)
Review and Consider Rhode Island’s Proposal on Commercial Trip Limits
Review and Consider Rhode Island Proposal on Commercial Trip Limits (M. Ware) Final Action
The Winter Flounder Management Board tasked the Winter Flounder Technical Committee (TC) with analyzing the potential impacts of aggregate trip limits in the commercial Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic (SNE/MA) winter flounder fishery. This task was in response to a proposal submitted by Rhode Island, which aims to provide greater flexibility to harvesters who are currently held…
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