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From the Commissioner Manual
Consider Addendum XXXI On Postponing Implementation Of Addendum XXVII Measures for Final Approval.
82nd Annual Meeting, October 21 – 24, 2024
Final Action for Addendum XXXI on Postponing Implementation of Addendum XXVII Measures for Final Approval
This Addendum postpones the gauge and escape vent size changes in sections 3.1 and 3.2 of Addendum XXVII for an additional six months to July 1, 2025. The Addendum does not postpone regulations prohibiting the issuance of 10% additional trap tags in Areas 1 and 3 above the trap limit or allocation.
Draft Addendum Considers Postponing Implementation of Addendum XXVII Biological Management Measures
The American Lobster Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Jefferson Ballroom of the Westin Crystal City Hotel, Arlington, Virginia, via hybrid meeting, in-person, and webinar; Tuesday, August 6, 2024, and was called to order at 2:45 p.m. by Chair Pat Keliher.
Comments regarding Addendum 27 and 30 to the Atlantic Lobster Management Plan
The purpose of this addendum is to provide detail to the public on the Commission’s recommendation to NOAA fisheries regarding the smallest minimum size in effect and how it is interpreted under the Mitchell Provision as the minimum gauge size increases occur in LCMA 1 in 2025 and 2027.
The Draft Addendum will consider postponing the implementation of the measures from Addendum XXVII. The Board also approved Addendum XXX, which addresses how the measures of Addendum XXVII will apply to foreign imports of American lobster once implemented.
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