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Progress Update on Benchmark Stock Assessment for American Lobster (J. Kipp). Consider Annual Data Update of Jonah Crab Indices — Jonah Crab Offshore Southern New England Indices (C. Truesdale). Consider Lobster Conservation Management Team Reports — Area 2 Lobster Conservation Management Team Report (C. Truesdale). Update from Maine on Lobster Conservation Management Area 1 Gauge…
The Addendum will consider repealing all Addendum XXVII measures pertaining to gauge and escape vent size limits. This action responds to fervent industry concerns about the potential economic impacts of an increase to the minimum gauge size in the Gulf of Maine and uncertainty with trade issues with Canada.
The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Winter Meeting will be February 4 – 5, 2025 at The Westin Crystal City.
Stock Assessment Update
ASMFC 82nd Annual Meeting October 21 – 24, 2024
The Addendum postpones the implementation of certain measures from Addendum XXVII to July 1, 2025 to allow Canada more time to consider implementing complementary management measures, as well as reduce potential impacts to the US and Canadian lobster industries.
This Addendum postpones the gauge and escape vent size changes in sections 3.1 and 3.2 of Addendum XXVII for an additional six months to July 1, 2025. The Addendum does not postpone regulations prohibiting the issuance of 10% additional trap tags in Areas 1 and 3 above the trap limit or allocation.
Addendum XXVII implements management measures—specifically gauge and vent sizes—that are expected to add an additional biological buffer through the protection of spawning stock biomass (SSB). The addendum also standardizes some management measures within and across LCMAs in the GOM/GBK stock.
The American Lobster Advisory Panel (AP) met via webinar on Monday, September 23rd, 2024. The purpose of the meeting was 1) to present the annual data update for lobster abundance indicators to the AP, and 2) to review Draft Addendum XXXI to Amendment 3 to the American Lobster Fishery Management Plan and gather input from…
The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Lobster Technical Committee (TC) was tasked by the American Lobster Management Board (Board) at the Commission’s 2024 Winter Meeting to compile information on the lobster resource and fishery in and around the Northern Edge of Georges Bank. This task is in response to a potential action at the New…
An annual Data Update process between American lobster stock assessments was recommended during the 2020 stock assessment to more closely monitor changes in stock abundance. The objective of this process is to present information—including any potentially concerning trends—that could support additional research or consideration of changes to management.
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