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ASMFC Approved Vessel Tracking Devices and Contact Information
Consider 2023 Jonah Crab Benchmark Stock Assessment and Peer Review Report; Presentation of Stock Assessment Report (J. Carloni); Presentation of Peer Review Panel Report (R. Wong); Consider Acceptance of Benchmark Stock Assessment and Peer Review Report for Management Use; Consider Management Response, if necessary; Consider Annual Data Update of American Lobster Indices (K. Reardon); Update…
Addendum XXVII was adopted in May 2023, and established a trigger mechanism to automatically implement management measures to provide additional protection of the Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank (GOM/GBK) spawning stock biomass.
2023 American Lobster Data Update and Addendum XXVII Trigger Index Update
The American Lobster Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Jefferson Ballroom of the Westin Crystal City Hotel, Arlington, Virginia, via hybrid meeting, in-person and webinar; Monday, May 1, 2023, and was called to order at 12:45 p.m. by Chair Jason McNamee.
Addendum Establishes Measures to Increase Protection of Spawning Stock Biomass of the Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank Stock
Consider Addendum XXVII on Increasing Protection of Spawning Stock Biomass of the Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank Stock for Final Approval (C. Starks); Review Options and Public Comment Summary (C. Starks); Advisory Panel Report (G. Moore); Consider Approval of Addendum XXVII; Update from Work Group on Implementation of Addendum XXIX: Tracker Devices in the Federal Lobster…
The Draft Addendum considers measures to increase protection of the Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank (GOM/GBK) spawning stock. Atlantic coastal states of Maine through New York are conducting hearings to gather public input on the Draft Addendum; some hearings will be conducted in-person, and some hearings will be conducted via webinar.
The Atlantic coastal states of Maine through New York have scheduled hearings to gather public input on Draft Addendum XXVII to Amendment 3 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for American Lobster, which considers measures to increase protection of the Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank (GOM/GBK) spawning stock.
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