Discussion on specific surveys to provide indices for older fish abundance
Technical Committee Reports and Summaries
Detailed analyses and recommendations from technical committees, including working groups, sub-committees, plan development teams, and plan review teams, on specific scientific and management issues related to fisheries.
In evaluating the 2003 proposal, members expressed concerns that the proposal included mixed stocks, included pound nets where, presumably, the bycatch could be released unharmed, had the potential to harvest a substantial number of fish, and had the potential to impact other stocks that are under intensive restoration. The 2005 proposal addressed none of the concerns expressed by the TC in 2003.
The Technical Committee (TC) met in Norfolk, Virginia, on October 20th and 21st to review the draft Stock Assessment and respond to the requests of the Management Board.
The purpose of this meeting was to review updated information on the status of the spiny dogfish stock and to recommend management measures consistent with achieving the target fishing mortality rate in the upcoming 2006 fishing year.
The Atlantic Croaker Technical Committee met at the request of the South Atlantic State-Federal Fisheries Management Board on September 26, 2005 in Alexandria, VA. The three major agenda items for the Technical Committee to address were; 1) Develop triggers for Atlantic croaker stock assessments; 2) Finalize monitoring requirements for Amendment 1 and; 3) Discuss Atlantic croaker SPRs.
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