Fisheries Management
The Interstate Fisheries Management Program (ISFMP) serves as the core of decision-making, where species management boards establish regulations to conserve fishery resources, supported by an active participation framework. The ISFMP Policy Board oversees this, monitoring stock performance and policy implementation with representation from all member states and several federal agencies.
The Coastal Sharks Advisory Panel (AP) met on September 26, 2007 to discuss the Draft Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Coastal Sharks. The Specific goal of the meeting was to find out whether the Draft FMP contains options that could satisfy the AP when the Board takes final action.
The Coastal Sharks Technical Committee (TC) held a two-day meeting in Annapolis Maryland on September 24 and 25, 2007. The meeting began with some background information including a summary of the Spiny Dogfish & Coastal Shark Management Board Summer meeting, an overview of the proposed alternatives contained in federal Amendment II, and update of the Small Coastal Shark (SCS) review workshop.
The Technical Committee (TC) met with the main objective of reviewing the 2007 trigger exercises and determining what would be presented to the Board. Other agenda items included electing a chair and vice chair and considering the timeline for the next assessment. The TC last met on August 29, 2006.
The American Lobster Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Presidential Ballroom of the Crowne Plaza Hotel Old Town, Alexandria, Virginia, August 13, 2007, and was called to order at 2:00 o’clock p.m. by Chairman John I. Nelson.
Agreeing that the “recreational only” language contained in Addendum IV had the potential to disproportionably reduce recreational fisheries in some states, the Board initiated Draft Addendum V to the Fishery Management Plan for Tautog.
The management units for summer flounder, scup, and black sea bass remain unchanged in this addendum. Specifically, the management unit for summer flounder is U.S. waters in the western Atlantic Ocean from the southern border of North Carolina northward to the U.S.-Canadian border. The management unit for scup and black sea bass in US waters is the western Atlantic Ocean from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina northward to the US-Canadian border.
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