Fisheries Management
The Interstate Fisheries Management Program (ISFMP) serves as the core of decision-making, where species management boards establish regulations to conserve fishery resources, supported by an active participation framework. The ISFMP Policy Board oversees this, monitoring stock performance and policy implementation with representation from all member states and several federal agencies.
Addendum V extends the provisions of Addendum IV through October 31, 2009. The Addendum also contains an adaptive management provision that allows, through Board vote, the extension of its management measures for an additional one-year period. The statement of the problem and management measures are included in this Addendum.
The ASMFC Horseshoe Crab and USFWS Shorebird Technical Committees (TCs) met jointly on September 3rd and 4th at the St. Jones Reserve in Dover, Delaware. The purpose of the meeting was to receive updates from the Adaptive Resource Management Work Group (AWG) and to make decisions or recommendations to guide the AWG’s work.
The Striped Bass Technical Committee (TC) met via conference call to develop a work plan to address a charge from the Management Board. In addition, the TC reviewed a draft letter for the Management Board to NMFS regarding MRIP survey coverage, and discussed the status of the 2009 Cooperative Winter Tagging Cruise.
The Striped Bass Technical Committee (TC) met via conference call to review two proposals from Maryland for alternative management and review analyses prepared in response to the Management Board’s task on management objectives. The TC also discussed the status of the 2009 Cooperative Winter Tagging Cruise and observations on the 2008 fishery.
The goal of the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Coastal Sharks is to promote stock rebuilding and management of the coastal shark fishery in a manner that is biologically, economically, socially, and ecologically sound.
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