The Spiny Dogfish Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Presidential Ballroom of the Crown Plaza Hotel Old Town, Alexandria, Virginia, May 12, 2014, and was called to order at 5:00 o’clock p.m. by Chairman Mark Gibson.
Fisheries Management
The Interstate Fisheries Management Program (ISFMP) serves as the core of decision-making, where species management boards establish regulations to conserve fishery resources, supported by an active participation framework. The ISFMP Policy Board oversees this, monitoring stock performance and policy implementation with representation from all member states and several federal agencies.
Review and Consider 2014 FMP Review and State Compliance (M. Waine) Action. Review 2013 Bycatch Landings (M. Waine) Possible Action. Technical Committee Report (G. Nesslage) — Benchmark Stock Assessment Progress Report.
Report of the Administrative Oversight Committee, D. Grout. Review Updated Conflict of Interest Policy, R. Beal. Discussion of American Eel Enforcement Efforts. Consider Resolution to Appoint Robert E. Beal as Trustee on Commission’s Retirement Plan.
Overview of State Implementation of MRIP (M. Cahall, G. White) — Speakers include Dave Donaldson, Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission Luiz Barbieri, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission Kathy Knowlton, Georgia Coastal Resources Division Doug Mumford, North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries Kevin Sullivan, New Hampshire Fish and Game
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