Fisheries Management
The Interstate Fisheries Management Program (ISFMP) serves as the core of decision-making, where species management boards establish regulations to conserve fishery resources, supported by an active participation framework. The ISFMP Policy Board oversees this, monitoring stock performance and policy implementation with representation from all member states and several federal agencies.
Review 2016 Black Sea Bass Commercial Quotas (K. Rootes-Murdy); Draft Addendum XXVII for Final Approval Final Action; Set Scup 2016 Recreational Fishery Specifications (K. Rootes-Murdy) Final Action; Update on Black Sea Bass and Summer Flounder Amendment Process (K. Rootes-Murdy)
Draft Amendment 3 to the Atlantic Herring Fishery Management Plan (A. Harp) Final Action; Overview on the Research Set-Aside Program
Discuss Future Management of Southern New England American Lobster Stock (B. Glenn); Review and Discuss Catch and Landings Records for JonahCrab-only Trap Fishermen (M. Ware); Consider Draft Addendum I to the Jonah Crab Fishery Management Plan for Public Comment (M. Ware) Action; Review Catch Records from Jonah Crab Claw Fishermen and Discuss Action to Create a Standard for Claw Landings (M. Ware) Possible Action; Approve Implementation Plans for the Jonah Crab Fishery Management Plan (M. Ware) Action; Update on New England Fishery Management Council Deep Sea Coral Habitat Amendment (D. Grout); Update on State/Federal American Lobster Observer Programs (M. Ware)
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