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Consider Approval of Fishery Management Plan Review and State Compliance for 2022 Fishing Year (J. Boyle); Consider Committee Reports on Commercial Tagging Program and Possible Changes to the Tagging Program; Technical Committee Report (C. Weedon); Law Enforcement Committee Report (K. Blanchard); Progress Update on the 2025 Tautog Stock Assessment Update (K. Drew)
The Commission’s Tautog Technical Committee (TC) met via conference call on Friday, July 21st, to review the results of the NY feasibility study on alternative commercial tag types and placements.
The primary purpose of this Technical Committee meeting was the continued discussion of reported live market fish quality and mortality issues presumably associated with the commercial tagging requirements.
The TC met via conference call on April 3, 2023 to draft a set of questions for TC members to use to survey commercial dealers and harvesters in their respective states about the commercial tagging program. The TC will reconvene in May to discuss the results and develop recommendations to present to the Board at…
Black sea bass, bluefish, cobia, red drum, scup, tautog, and weakfish were identified as species to evaluate for the 2023 workshop which took place from March 8-9th at the Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FL FWRI) in St. Petersburg, FL. This is the first year that cobia and weakfish have been evaluated by the…
The Tautog Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened via webinar; Tuesday, January 25, 2022, and was called to order at 1:00 p.m. by Chair Michael Luisi.
Stock status in 2020 varied by region but was generally improved from the 2016 update. In the Massachusetts-Rhode Island (MARI) region, the Long Island Sound (LIS) region, and the Delaware-Maryland-Virginia (DMV) region, the stock was not overfished and overfishing was not occurring. In the New Jersey-New York Bight (NJ-NYB) region, overfishing was not occurring, but…
This stock assessment is an update to the existing benchmark assessment for tautog (ASMFC 2015, ASMFC 2016); the previous assessment update was completed in 2017 (ASMFC 2017). This assessment updates the accepted statistical catch-at-age model for each region with commercial and recreational fishery catch data and indices of relative abundance from fishery-independent and fishery-dependent data…
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