American Lobster Draft Addendum XXXII

Repeal of Gulf of Maine Gauge and Vent Size Changes


In February 2025, the American Lobster Management Board initiated Draft Addendum XXXII, which will consider removing several provisions of Addendum XXVII, specifically the gauge and vent size changes for Lobster Conservation Management Areas (LCMA) 1 (Gulf of Maine), 3 (offshore federal waters) and Outer Cape Cod. If the removal of these provisions are approved, the size limit increase scheduled for July 1 will not occur. 

Addendum XXVII was originally proposed in 2017 with the goal of increasing protection of the Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank (GOM/GBK) spawning stock biomass considering significant declines in juvenile settlement indices since 2012. At the time, the Technical Committee warned the decreasing trend in young-of-year lobster could foreshadow a decline in recruitment and landings. Adopted in May 2023, after almost six years of technical analysis, deliberations, and postponements, Addendum XXVII established a trigger mechanism to automatically implement management measures (i.e., gauge and escape vent changes) to provide additional protection of the spawning stock biomass based on an observed decline in recruit abundance indices. The management trigger was selected to be proactive, risk-averse, and precautionary, aiming to minimize the chances of the (GOM/GBK) stock experiencing a long-term decline similar to that of the Southern New England lobster stock. Unfortunately, over the course of Addendum XXVII’s development, numbers of juveniles remained low and recruit abundance (lobsters measuring 71-80 mm in carapace length, just below legal minimum size) began to decline. Since peaking in 2016, lobster landings from the Gulf of Maine have also declined by 26%, and preliminary data from Maine indicate continued decline in 2024.

In October 2023, the recruit abundance index declined by 39% from the 2016-2018 average, surpassing the threshold of a 35% decline established by Addendum XXVII. This triggered a series of gauge and vent size changes to begin on June 1, 2024 as prescribed by the Addendum. However, the Board delayed the implementation of the measures to January 1, 2025 to provide the Gulf of Maine states the opportunity to coordinate with Canada regarding possible trade implications, and give the industry and gauge makers additional time to prepare for the changes. In October 2024, after identifying potential impacts to the US and Canadian lobster industries in early 2025 and allow Canada more time to consider implementing complementary management measures, the Board postponed implementation of the Addendum’s gauge size, escape vent size, and v-notch definition changes a second time to July 1, 2025.



February 2025: Board initiated Draft Addendum XXXII

Plan Development Team develops Draft Addendum document for Board consideration for public comment

Board considers Draft Addendum XXXII for Public Comment

Draft Addendum IX Public Comment Period including Public Hearings

Board considers final approval of Addendum XXXII

Implementation of Addendum XXXII


  • Caitlin Starks, Senior Fishery Management Plan Coordinator, or 703.842.0740

Action Development Timeline & Documents

May 2023

Addendum XXVII established a trigger mechanism to automatically implement management measures (i.e., gauge and escape vent changes) to provide additional protection of the spawning stock biomass based on an observed decline in recruit abundance indices. The management trigger was selected to be proactive, risk-averse, and precautionary, aiming to minimize the chances of the Gulf of Maine stock experiencing long-term decline similar to that of the Southern New England lobster stock

October 2023

The annual data update indicated the recruit abundance index declined by 39%, surpassing the threshold of a 35% decline established by Addendum XXVII. This triggered a series of gauge and vent size changes to begin on June 1, 2024 as prescribed by the Addendum. However, the Board delayed the implementation of the measures to January 1, 2025 to provide the Gulf of Maine states the opportunity to coordinate with Canada regarding possible trade implications, and give the industry and gauge makers additional time to prepare for the changes.

October 2024

After identifying potential impacts to the US and Canadian lobster industries, and to allow Canada more time to consider implementing complementary management measures, the Board postponed implementation of the Addendum gauge size, escape vent size, and v-notch definition changes a second time to July 1, 2025 via Addendum XXXI.

February 2025

Board initiates development of Draft Addendum XXXII in response to economic impact concerns of the gauge increase and trade concerns with Canada.

February 2025

Plan Development Team to develop Draft Addendum XXXII

March 18, 2025

Virtual meeting of the Board to consider approval of Draft Addendum XXXII for public comment.

Next Steps

The Board will meet virtually on March 18, 2025 to review the Draft Addendum XXXII document, consider any modifications, and approve the document for public comment. Once approved, the Draft Addendum will be released for public comment, and public hearings will be scheduled.