Spiny Dogfish

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Spiny Dogfish Management Board Winter Meeting Presentations — February 2025
Spiny Dogfish Management Board Winter Meeting Materials — February 2025
Spiny Dogfish Management Board Winter Meeting Agenda — February 2025
ASMFC Spiny Dogfish Board Approves Addendum VII to Ensure Consistency with the Councils’ Spiny Dogfish Framework Adjustment 6
Advisory Panel Review of Draft Addendum VII for Spiny Dogfish — January 2025
Population Abundance
Not overfished
Fishing Mortality
Overfishing not occurring
Stock status based on 2023 management track assessment. Despite a decline in stock productivity, spawning stock biomass estimated to be 101% of the target, and fishing mortality to be 89% of the threshold.
Meeting Calendar
Next Meeting
Recent Management Actions
- James Boyle, FMP Coordinator (JBoyle@asmfc.org)
- Management Board, Pat Geer, Chair
- Technical Committee, Scott Newlin, Chair
- Advisory Panel
Species Information
Spiny dogfish are small sharks found in the North Atlantic, from Canada down to Florida. These agile swimmers migrate north during the warmer months and head south as the waters cool. In the past, spiny dogfish were heavily overfished, but strict regulations and quotas introduced in the late 1990s have helped their populations recover. Today, they are not considered overfished, thanks to effective management efforts. Commercial fisheries mainly target female dogfish for their larger size, supporting sustainable harvests. Ongoing conservation measures continue to ensure that spiny dogfish remain a healthy and important part of Atlantic marine life.
In 1998, NMFS declared spiny dogfish overfished and initiated the development of a joint fishery management plan (FMP) between MAFMC and the New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC) in 1999. The Commission approved an Interstate FMP to complement the federal plan in 2003. Both the Commission and federal plans use a fishing mortality rate to set annual quotas and trip limits. The Commission’s FMP has an additional five addenda (Addenda I – V).
The spiny dogfish fishery, which operates from May 1 through April 30, is managed though an annual commercial quota, which is further allocated by state shares. Maine through Connecticut receive 58% of the quota and are limited by a maximum possession limit of 6,000 pounds per day. The southern state shares are allocated as follows: New York (2.7%); New Jersey (7.6%); Delaware (0.9%); Maryland (5.9%); Virginia (10.8%); and North Carolina (14.0%). Any overages from the previous fishing seasons are paid back by the region or state in the following season.
In October 2019, the Board approved Addendum VI to the FMP, which allows commercial quota to be transferred between all regions and states to enable the full utilization of the coastwide commercial quota and avoid quota payback for unintended quota overages. Previously, the FMP only allowed quota transfers between states with individual allocations, with regions excluded from benefitting from quota transfers. Moving forward, in order for states within a region to participate in quota transfers, the Director of each state’s marine fisheries agency within the region must agree to the transfer in writing. As with transfers between states, transfers involving regions do not permanently affect the shares of the coastwide quota. Additionally, the Addendum extends the timeframe for when quota transfers can occur up to 45 days after the end of the fishing year to allow for late reporting of landings data.
In response to a proposed rule from NOAA Fisheries (Federal Register notice 89 FR 65576; August 12, 2024) to approve Spiny Dogfish Framework Adjustment 6, which would implement time- and area-based gear requirements in the spiny dogfish gillnet fishery to reduce bycatch of Atlantic sturgeon for harvesters that possess a federal spiny dogfish permit, the Board initiated Draft Addendum VII to consider corresponding measures for state-only permit holders to maintain consistency between the federal and interstate FMPs.
In January 2024, based on the results of the 2023 management track assessment, the Board approved the following coastwide commercial quotas for the 2024-2026 fishing years: 10,699,021 pounds for 2024/2025; 10,972,394 pounds for 2025/2026, and 11,223,720 pounds for 2026/2027. These quotas are consistent with the measures recommended to NOAA Fisheries by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council and are pending approval of identical federal quotas from the NOAA Fisheries Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Administrator. Additionally, the Board maintained a 7,500-pound trip limit for the northern region.
However, on May 22, 2024, NOAA Fisheries published an emergency action to implement a commercial quota of 11,331,747 pounds for the 2024 Atlantic spiny dogfish fishing year. The action became effective on May 21, 2024, for 180 days through November 18, 2024. After the emergency rule was published, NOAA Fisheries finalized 2023/2024 catch data, including landings and discards, which revealed that the estimated discards were higher than anticipated and resulted in an overage of 1,082,487 pounds. In September, NOAA Fisheries extended the emergency rule for the remainder of the fishing year, and, through that rule, applied the payback of the overage by deducting the overage amount from the 2024/2025 quota, resulting in a new federal quota of 10,249,260 pounds.
To remain consistent with the quota published by NOAA Fisheries, the Spiny Dogfish Board approved a commercial quota of 10,249,260 pounds for the 2024/2025 fishing year, while the 2025/2026 and 2026/2027 quotas remain pending.

Stock Status
The 2023 Management Track Stock Assessment indicates that spiny dogfish are not overfished and overfishing is not occurring. The spawning stock biomass estimate of 191 million pups is slightly above the SSB threshold of 188 million pounds, while the fishing mortality estimate (0.02) is just below the fishing mortality threshold (0.0246). However, the assessment also found a lower productivity of the stock, requiring reduced quotas to prevent overfishing in the future.

Commercial & Recreational Fisheries
Prior to the Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976 (now known as the Magnuson-Stevens Reauthorization Act), foreign fleets caught the majority of dogfish in U.S. waters but U.S. fishermen have had uncontested access ever since the Act’s passage.

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) encouraged commercial fishermen to target the bountiful stocks of spiny dogfish in the 1980s and 1990s when stocks of other commercially valuable fish in the Northeast declined. Then in 1998, NMFS determined that spiny dogfish were overfished and implemented stringent harvest restrictions in federal waters to allow the stock to rebound. The states followed shortly after with complementary regulations for state waters. Today, commercial fishermen catch spiny dogfish using longlines, trawls, and purse seines. Fishermen target female dogfish because the females grow larger than males and tend to school together. Processors prefer the larger dogfish because they are easier to hold and cut. The commercial fishery supplies the European food fish markets that use dogfish “belly flaps” for fish and chips in England and as a popular beer garden snack called shillerlocken in Germany.
There is also a small scientific fishery in Maine, which uses spiny dogfish to study several of the species’ unique biological characteristics. Dogfish have an organ called a rectal gland whose study helps scientists better understand the function of human kidneys. They also secrete a molecule called squalamine, which has strong antibiotic characteristics and shows promise as an anticancer agent.
Landings were approximately 37.2 million pounds in 1992, gradually increasing to a peak of about 60 million pounds in 1996. In the late 1990s, landings declined to an average of around 40 million. After federal and state regulations were implemented in the early 2000s, landings declined to less than five million pounds in 2001 and 2002. They then ranged between two and eight million pounds between 2003 and 2009. As the stock began to improve, landings were increased to 21 million pounds in 2011. Commercial landings continue to be mostly female dogfish, with female landings comprising about 98% of the total commercial catch.
In the 2022/2023 fishing year, commercial landings were estimated at 12.6 million pounds, while recreational harvest was estimated at 211,608 pounds. Discards have remained fairly stable, around 11 million pounds over the past decade and are expected to remain near that level in the future. Canadian and foreign landings have also decreased significantly in recent years. It is anticipated the Canadian dogfish harvest will not increase in the near future given the lack of demand for the product and the subsequent closure of Canadian spiny dogfish processors.
Life History
Spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) are a small shark species that inhabit both sides of the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans, mostly in the temperate and subarctic areas. In the Northwest Atlantic, the stock ranges from Labrador to Florida, and is most abundant from Nova Scotia to Cape Hatteras. Spiny dogfish migrate north in the spring and summer and south in the fall and winter. In the winter and spring, they congregate primarily in Mid-Atlantic waters but also extend onto the shelf break of southern Georges Bank. In the summer, they are located farther north in Canadian waters and move inshore into bays and estuaries. By autumn, dogfish have migrated north with high concentrations in Southern New England, on Georges Bank, and in the Gulf of Maine. They remain in northern waters throughout autumn until water temperatures begin to cool and then return to the Mid-Atlantic.
Juvenile spiny dogfish school by size until sexually mature and then aggregate by both size and sex. Female dogfish reach sexual maturity at 12 years (~29.5 inches), while males reach sexual maturity at six years (~23.6 inches). Mating occurs in the winter months and the pups are delivered on the offshore wintering grounds. Females give birth every two years with litters ranging from two to 15 pups. While carrying one litter, the female will begin developing eggs for the fertilization of her next litter. After an 18 to 24 month gestation period, pups are released live and fully formed at about 14 inches.
News & Resources
Explore recent news, management updates, and scientific reports to gain a deeper understanding of ongoing conservation efforts and sustainability strategies.
Consider Addendum VII on Atlantic Sturgeon Bycatch Reduction for Final Approval (J. Boyle). Revise Specifications for the 2025/2026 Fishing Year (J. Boyle) Final Action.
ASMFC’s Spiny Dogfish Management Board approved Addendum VII to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Spiny Dogfish. The Addendum implements measures to maintain consistency with the federal FMP in response to Spiny Dogfish Framework Adjustment 6.
The Spiny Dogfish Advisory Panel (AP) met via webinar on Thursday, January 16th, 2025, to review the management options presented in Draft Addendum VII. Only two AP members were present.
The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Winter Meeting will be February 4 – 5, 2025 at The Westin Crystal City.
The Board will solicit Public Comment and States will conduct Public Hearings until January 2025
Meeting Agenda: Spiny Dogfish Board Reviews Draft Addendum VII and Considers Its Approval for Public Comment
ASMFC 82nd Annual Meeting October 21 – 24, 2024
The Commission’s Spiny Dogfish Management Board approved Draft Addendum VII to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Spiny Dogfish for public comment. The Draft Addendum considers potential measures to maintain consistency with the federal Fishery Management Plan in response to the proposed rule to implement Spiny Dogfish Framework Adjustment 6.
Commercial Management – Atlantic Sturgeon Bycatch
This draft document was developed for Board review and discussion at the October 2024 meeting week. This document is not intended to solicit public comment as part of the Commission/State formal public input process. However, comments on this draft document may be given at the appropriate time on the agenda during the scheduled meeting. Also,…
Prepared for the Commissioner Manual
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