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The Atlantic Croaker Technical Committee met on August 29, 2006 in Raleigh, NC. The major items on the agenda for the TC to address were: 1) review data and analyses required for assessing the triggers in Amendment 1; 2) determine which material would be presented to the South Atlantic Board at the Annual meeting, scheduled…
The purpose of managing Atlantic croaker stocks is to ensure that the Atlantic croaker resource can be utilized throughout its range by current and future generations of the fishing and non-fishing public.
Includes the 2003 Atlantic Croaker Stock Assessment Report, 2003 Terms of Reference & Advisory Report, 2004 Atlantic Croaker Stock Assessment Report, 2004 Terms of Reference & Advisory Panel Report
The Atlantic Croaker Advisory Panel (AP) met on October 18, 2005 in Baltimore, MD. Gene Doebley, vice-chair of the AP ran the meeting in the absence of the Chair, Bill Windley. Nancy Wallace gave a presentation on Draft Amendment 1 to the Atlantic Croaker FMP for public comment. The AP members asked questions and then…
The Atlantic Croaker Technical Committee met at the request of the South Atlantic State-Federal Fisheries Management Board on September 26, 2005 in Alexandria, VA. The three major agenda items for the Technical Committee to address were; 1) Develop triggers for Atlantic croaker stock assessments; 2) Finalize monitoring requirements for Amendment 1 and; 3) Discuss Atlantic…
There were two major issues that were discussed during this call. 1) A possible split of the Atlantic croaker management unit at Cape Hatteras. 2) Monitoring requirements to be included in Amendment 1.
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