Chair Patterson will work with the Three Atlantic Fishery Management Councils to replace Bob Mahood as an Executive Committee Representative
Fisheries Science Meeting Agendas and Summaries
Concise overviews and detailed accounts of discussions, decisions, and outcomes from Commission meetings, providing stakeholders with insights into the deliberations and actions taken.
Stock Assessment Updates and Review of Stock Assessment Schedule — Northern Shrimp, Tautog (K. Drew); Black Drum, Atlantic Sturgeon (J. Kipp); Spot, American Lobster, Black Sea Bass, Atlantic Menhaden (G. Nesslage). Review of Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management Reporting (G. Nesslage); Science Center for Marine Fisheries (SCeMFiS) Presentation (R. Mann); Discussion of Changes to Technical Committee Guidelines on Consensus and Voting; Discussion of ASMFC/MAFMC Observer Program (S. Madsen); FishSmart/Barotrauma Overview Presentation and Tools (P. Perra). NMFS Climate Change Vulnerability Analysis (W. Morrison). Review of MSC’s Role in Peer Review Planning (P. Campfield).
Review the Model Used for the Proportional Standard Error (PSE) Project. Consider Approval of 2014-2018 Outreach Strategic Plan Final Action.
Status of Independent Program Review Recommendations Implementation. Independent Program Review Recommendations Implementation. Quarterly Budget/Expenditures from Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office (GARFO) and Southeast Regional Office (SERO). Introduction of Elizabeth Wyatt, the New Program Assistant. Marine Recreational Information Program (MRIP)-Access Point Angler Intercept Survey (APAIS) Transition
Review and Consider Approval of Modified 2014-2018 Strategic Plan (C. Patterson) Action. Review and Consider Approval of 2015 Request for Proposals and Funding Decision Documents (C. Patterson) Action. Distribution of 2013 Fiscal Year in Review (A. McElhatton).
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