Fisheries Science Meeting Agendas and Summaries
Concise overviews and detailed accounts of discussions, decisions, and outcomes from Commission meetings, providing stakeholders with insights into the deliberations and actions taken.
NEAMAP Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic Nearshore Trawl Survey (C. Bonzek, J. Gartland); Maine-New Hampshire Inshore Trawl Survey (M. Cieri); Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries Bottom Trawl Survey (M. Armstrong); Review and Consider Approval of NEAMAP 2015 Operations Plan (J. Gartland) Action; Discuss Creation of NEAMAP Industry Advisory Panel (C.Bonzek)
Guidance for the use of Social Science in Fisheries Management (M. Hall-Arber). Cost-benefit Analysis vs. Economic Impact Analysis in Fisheries (J. Holzer Bilbao).
Review of Recommendations of FY2015 Submitted Proposals (T. Hoopes, R. Bellavance) Action
Review Status of the Transition Plan for State Conduct of Angler Point Access Intercept Survey (G. White). Confirm Timeline and Process to Complete the Transition (L. Daniel/C. Patterson) Action.
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