The ASMFC Northern Shrimp Technical Committee (TC) held a conference call with northern shrimp industry members on December 16, 2014 to clarify recommendations for obtaining winter research samples from the trap fishery. The ASMFC Northern Shrimp Section (Section) requested this review to determine how the TC’s recommendations for obtaining trap-caught samples in the November 12, 2014 memorandum compare with options suggested during the Section’s December 16, 2014 conference call.
Technical Committee Reports and Summaries
Detailed analyses and recommendations from technical committees, including working groups, sub-committees, plan development teams, and plan review teams, on specific scientific and management issues related to fisheries.
Decision Tree for standardization of state surveys for Assessment Indices (J. McNamee)
The Winter Flounder Techncial Committeee (TC) met via conference call to review recent trends in survey indices for the Southern New England /Mid-Atlantic (SNE-MA) and the recent operational assessment for Gulf of Maine (GOM) stocks. The TC discussed specifications for the 2015 fishing season relative to updated information for both stocks.
Based on the analysis presented, the required reduction by LCMA, with the exception of LCMA 6 (CT evaluation only), were either not achieved or were achieved mainly as a result of declining stock abundance / effort.
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