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Technical Committee Report to the ASMFC South Atlantic State/Federal Fisheries Management Board
Proceedings of the Summer Flounder, Scup and Black Sea Bass Management Board Meeting – February 2010
The Summer Flounder, Scup and Black Sea Bass Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Presidential Ballroom of the Crowne Plaza Hotel Old Town, Alexandria, Virginia, February 2, 2010, and was called to order at 8:00 o’clock a.m. by Chairman A.C. Carpenter
At the request of the South Atlantic State-Federal Fisheries Management Board (Management Board), the Spot Plan Review Team (PRT) reported on available fishery-independent and fishery-dependent indices of abundance from Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina in 2007 and 2008.
Recent declining trends in spot landings have raised some concern about the long-term health of the stock. In the absence of a coast wide stock assessment, the South Atlantic State/Federal Fisheries Management Board requested that the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) Spot Plan Review Team compile and summarize catch per unit effort (CPUE) data…
The South Atlantic Species Advisory Panel (AP) met for its first meeting since being formed in 2007. The AP was developed to provide management advice to the Commission’s South Atlantic State/Federal Fisheries Management Board (Board). The Board currently administers interstate management for five species: Atlantic croaker, red drum, spot, spotted seatrout, and Spanish mackerel. This…
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