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This addendum allows quota to be transferred between all regions and states to enable full utilization of the coastwide commercial quota and avoid quota overages. Additionally, this addendum extends the timeframe for when quota transfers can occur up to 45 days after the end of the fishing year to allow for late reporting of landings…
The Spiny Dogfish Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Wentworth Ballroom of the Wentworth by the Sea Hotel, New Castle, New Hampshire; Tuesday, October 29, 2019, and was called to order at 8:00 o’clock a.m. by Chairman Chris Batsavage.
Consider Addendum VI for Final Approval Final Action; Review Options and Public Comment Summary (K. Rootes-Murdy); Consider Final Approval of Addendum VI; Review and Revise (If Needed) 2020/2021 Specifications (K. Rootes-Murdy) Possible Action; Consider Approval of 2019 Fishery Management Plan Review and State Compliance (K. Rootes-Murdy) Action
The Spiny Dogfish Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Jefferson Ballroom of the Westin Crystal City Hotel, Arlington, Virginia; Wednesday, August 7, 2019, and was called to order at 10:40 o’clock a.m. by Chairman Robert O’Reilly.
Consider Draft Addendum VI for Public Comment (K. Rootes-Murdy) Action
The Spiny Dogfish Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Terrace Ballroom of the Roosevelt Hotel, New York, New York; Tuesday, October 23, 2018, and was called to order at 1:30 o’clock p.m. by Chairman Rob O’Reilly.
Review 2018 Stock Assessment Update (J. Didden); Discuss Adjustments to Federal Commercial Trip Limit (K. Rootes-Murdy); Review and Set 2019-2021 Specifications Final Action; Review Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s Recommended 2019-2021 Specifications (K. Rootes-Murdy); Set 2019-2021 Specifications (R. O’Reilly); Review and Populate Advisory Panel Membership (T. Berger) Action
The Spiny Dogfish Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Hampton Roads Ballroom V of the Marriott Waterside Hotel, Norfolk, Virginia, October 16, 2017, and was called to order at 3:04 o’clock p.m. by Chairman David V. Borden.
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