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The Commission’s Summer Flounder, Scup and Black Sea Bass and Bluefish Management Boards met via conference call to review the latest recreational harvest estimates from the Marine Recreational Information Program.
The species of interest for an ageing workshop were Atlantic croaker, black sea bass , bluefish , river herring (alewife and blueback), striped bass, and tautog. Each of these species previously had their own ageing workshop and the group felt that these would be most productive to include in the QA/QC exercise.
The 60th Stock Assessment Workshop Working Group (SAW 60 WG) prepared the assessment report. The ASMFC Bluefish Technical Committee (TC) and the SAW 60 WG met February 18-20, 2015 in Providence, RI to evaluate data sources in preparation for the SAW 60 WG assessment meeting held April 27-29th, 2015 at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center…
The updated stock assessment was completed by adding catch and independent indices through 2013 to the previous 1982-2012 assessment.
The updated stock assessment was completed by adding catch and independent indices through 2012 to the previous 1982-2011 assessment. The result of the analysis shows that bluefish is not overfished or experiencing overfishing.
The updated stock assessment was completed by adding catch and indices through 2011 to the previous 1982-2010 assessment. The result of the analysis shows that bluefish is not overfished or experiencing overfishing.
This draft addendum proposes to address the biological sampling protocols for bluefish relative to data needs for the stock assessment.
Draft Addendum I for Final Approval Final Action
The Bluefish Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Presidential Ballroom of the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Alexandria, Virginia, February 8, 2012, and was called to order at 8:30 o’clock a.m. by Chairman Jack Travelstead.
The updated stock assessment was completed by adding catch and indices through 2010 to the previous 1982-2009 assessment. The result of the analysis shows that bluefish is not overfished or experiencing overfishing.
At the behest of the ASMFC Bluefish Board, the Bluefish Technical Committee organized an ageing workshop to establish consistency and a common protocol of best ageing practices across state and university labs that process and read bluefish hard parts. Workshop participants also agreed to discuss the design of a coastwide sampling program intended to expand…
The ASMFC Bluefish Stock Assessment Sub-Committee compiled the commercial, recreational data, and ageing information for use in updating the assessment. The majority of commercial sampling since 1997 occurred in North Carolina and Virginia, where a large proportion of the landings are taken.
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