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The Technical Committee (TC) met via conference call to: 1) review a Stock Assessment Subcommittee (SAS) recommendation on updated biological reference points (BRPs); 2) review proposals from Delaware and Pennsylvania for alternative management in the Delaware Estuary; and 3) hear an update on North Carolina’s assessment efforts for the Albemarle/Roanoke stock.
The Technical Committee (TC) met via conference call to address three main issues: 1) committee leadership and membership, 2) a task from the Striped Bass Management Board (Board) to update the biological reference points as recommended by the peer review panel for the 2007 stock assessment, and 3) an update on the otolith collection program.…
The Striped Bass Advisory Panel (AP) met with three main objectives: 1) review the results of the 2007 stock assessment; 2) develop management advice for the Board; and 3) elect a new chair and vice-chair. The AP first attended the Management Board’s meeting to hear the presentation of the 2007 stock assessment results and the…
The 46th SARC was convened in Woods Hole at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center, November 26–29, 2007, to review one assessment (striped bass, Morone saxatilis). CIE reviews for SARC-46 were based on detailed reports produced by the ASMFC Striped Bass Technical, Stock Assessment, and Tagging Committees.
The 46th SAW Assessment Summary Report contains summary and detailed technical information on one assessment reviewed in November 2007 at the Stock Assessment Workshop (SAW) by the 46th Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC-46): striped bass (Morone saxatilis).
A Report of the 46th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop
The purpose of this addendum is to implement a bycatch monitoring and research program as required by Amendment 6 (Section 2.1). The monitoring program is designed to increase the accuracy of data on striped bass discards from both the commercial and recreational fisheries. This addendum also recommends an angler education program to help decrease discard…
The Striped Bass Advisory Panel (AP) convened by means of a conference call on July 18th, 2007 to comment on the conservation equivalency proposal from Rhode Island for a lower minimum size limit in the commercial trap fishery.
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