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Progress Update on Shad Benchmark Stock Assessment (J. Kipp); Consider Approval of Massachusetts’ Shad Sustainable Fishery Management Plan (SFMP) Final Action; Review SFMP and Technical Committee Memo (K. Sprankle); Update on Technical Committee Review of Inconsistencies with Harvest and Monitoring Requirements of Amendments 2 and 3 (K. Sprankle)
On the November 20, 2018 conference call of the Shad and River Herring Technical Committee (TC), the TC designated a smaller task group to develop the October 2017 Board task regarding improvements to Amendments 2 and 3. This task group (TG) met via conference call on January 7, 2019 to advance work on identifying and…
The Shad and River Herring Technical Committee (TC) met via conference call to review the Massachusetts Sustainable Fishery Management Plan (SFMP) update for shad in the Merrimack River, discuss progress and next steps on the October 2017 Board task regarding improvements to Amendments 2 and 3, and receive an update on the ongoing American shad…
The Shad and River Herring Technical Committee (TC) met via conference call to discuss the October 2017 Board task to develop proposed improvements to Amendments 2 and 3.
The Shad and River Herring Technical Committee met via two conference calls to review the following sustainable fishery management plans (SFMPs) for American shad. On September 11, 2017 the TC reviewed the plan updates for North Carolina, Potomac River Fisheries Commission, Connecticut and a limited bycatch allowance proposal from Virginia. On October 3, 2017, the…
The Shad and River Herring Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Hampton Roads Ballroom V of the Marriott Waterside Hotel, Norfolk, Virginia, October 17, 2017, and was called to order at 8:00 o’clock a.m. by Chairman John Clark.
Discuss Shad Stock Assessment Process Recommendations (J. Kipp); Consider Approval of Shad and River Herring Sustainable Fishery Management Plans (SFMPs) Final Action; Review SFMPs and Technical Committee Memo (B. Chase): Connecticut – Updated Shad SFMP, Potomac River Fisheries Commission – Updated Shad SFMP, North Carolina – Updated Shad SFMP, South Carolina – Updated Shad SFMP,…
This memorandum summarizes the topics and discussions during the Shad and River Herring Advisory Panel (AP) call on Wednesday, September 27th 2017 at 9:00 am. The meeting took place via conference call and webinar and provided the AP to review and discuss several items including the recent 2017 stock assessment update for river herring, NOAA’s…
The Shad and River Herring Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Edison Ballroom of the Westin Hotel, Alexandria, Virginia, August 2, 2017, and was called to order at 8:00 o’clock a.m. by Chairman John Clark.
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