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The Law Enforcement Committee reviewed the North Carolina Aquaculture Plan for American Eel, submitted under Addendum IV to the ASMFC Interstate Fishery Management Plan.
The goals of the workshop were to exchange samples processed and read from state agencies and research groups to provide information on ageing precision, bias between labs or in-lab for those with multiple readers, compare sectioned and whole otolith samples, and to improve standardization of ageing practices between states.
Review 2017 Stock Assessment Update Schedule (K. Anstead); Review Technical Committee Report (K. Rootes-Murdy); Review Young-of-the-Year Surveys and Maine Life Cycle Survey
Discussion to Consider Changes to Addendum IV Yellow Eel Allocations (K. Rootes-Murdy) Action; Technical Committee Report (T. Wildman); Consider North Carolina Glass Eel Aquaculture Plan for 2017 (K. Rootes-Murdy) Action
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