Meeting Information
Rhode Island public hearing to consider comments on the draft addenda on Recreational Measures Setting Process. This hearing will be both in-person and virtual. To join the webinar, follow the below instructions.
Webinar Instructions
The virtual Zoom link is here. The Meeting ID is 829 4963 3592 and the Passcode is 133906; if calling in dial 301.715.8592.
Pending Actions
Public Comment
To ensure fair opportunity for public input, ASMFC meetings offer opportunities for verbal comments on non-agenda and agenda items. Written comments are accepted following a specific timeline for inclusion in meeting materials. Read the guidelines for more information.
Comment Guidelines
You may submit public comment by attending a public hearing held in your state or jurisdiction or mailing, faxing, or emailing written comments to the address below. Only comments received at a public hearing or written comments submitted to the Commission will become part of the public comment record.
- Mail: Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, 1050 North Highland Street, Suite 200 A-N, Arlington, VA 22201
- Email:; Subject line: Xxxxx
- Fax: (703) 842-0740