Standardizing Regional Fisheries Data: An ACCSP Overview (M. Cahall); Collecting Live Landings Data with SAFIS (J. Defilippi Simpson); Integrating Datasets and Making Them Accessible – Data Warehouse (J. Defilippi Simpson); Using Commercial Data in Science and Management; Coordinating Regional Data Collection Efforts; Modernizing the Access Point Intercept Survey
Fisheries Science
Sustainable fisheries management depends on sound, timely scientific advice. The Fisheries Science Program delivers this through a rigorous, peer-reviewed stock assessment process, utilizing a mix of fishery-independent surveys and fishery-dependent monitoring, complemented by research from coastal state, federal, and academic institutions. The program also focuses on developing innovative scientific methods and enhancing state stock assessment capabilities, while coordinating and expanding collaborative research and data collection efforts.
Social and Economic Data Standards Update (R. Rhodes); Consider Recommendations of FY2018 Submitted Proposals (P. Campfield, J. Morgan) Action
The 2017 Atlantic sturgeon benchmark stock assessment was peer‐reviewed by an independent panel of scientific experts through the Commission’s Peer Review process. The assessment is the latest and best information available on the status of U.S. Atlantic sturgeon populations for use in fisheries management. The last Atlantic sturgeon stock assessment was completed in 1998.
The purpose of the 2017 assessment was to evaluate the status of Atlantic sturgeon along the U.S. Atlantic coast. Data from a variety of fisheries‐dependent and ‐independent sources were reviewed and used to develop bycatch, effective population size, and mortality estimates.
This document provides an update to the 2012 benchmark assessment of river herring (alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus, and blueback herring, Alosa aestivalis) stocks of the U.S. Atlantic Coast from Maine through Florida (ASMFC 2012). It was prepared by the River Herring Stock Assessment Subcommittee (SAS) of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) Shad and River Herring Technical Committee (TC).
Status of River Herring in state-specific references
This document presents a summary of an update to the 2012 benchmark stock assessment for alewife and blueback herring, collectively referred to as river herring. An update of a stock assessment includes applying the peer‐reviewed, and Management Board‐accepted benchmark assessment approaches to recent data. This update includes additional data from 2011‐2015 and is the latest and best information available on the status of the Atlantic river herring fisheries management.
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