Consider Addendum XXVII on Increasing Protection of Spawning Stock Biomass of the Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank Stock for Final Approval (C. Starks); Review Options and Public Comment Summary (C. Starks); Advisory Panel Report (G. Moore); Consider Approval of Addendum XXVII; Update from Work Group on Implementation of Addendum XXIX: Tracker Devices in the Federal Lobster and Jonah Crab Fishery (T. Kerns); Progress Update on 2023 Jonah Crab Benchmark Stock Assessment (J. Kipp); Review Lobster Conservation Management Team Roles and Process (C. Starks)
Fisheries Management
The Interstate Fisheries Management Program (ISFMP) serves as the core of decision-making, where species management boards establish regulations to conserve fishery resources, supported by an active participation framework. The ISFMP Policy Board oversees this, monitoring stock performance and policy implementation with representation from all member states and several federal agencies.
Formation of the 2023 work group was prompted by the Board’s recent discussions about biomedical mortality and follows the recommendation to periodically review the BMPs for the continued successful management of the horseshoe crab resource. The work group includes technical committee and advisory panel members with expertise in horseshoe crab biology, ecology, and biomedical processing.
Rebuilding Projections with 2022 Preliminary Data and Ocean Commercial Quota Utilization Scenarios
The TC met via conference call on April 3, 2023 to draft a set of questions for TC members to use to survey commercial dealers and harvesters in their respective states about the commercial tagging program. The TC will reconvene in May to discuss the results and develop recommendations to present to the Board at the Summer Meeting.
The Biomedical Best Management Practices Work Group (BMP WG) met on April 4th via webinar to continue addressing the Board task to review and update the Biomedical BMPs. Staff began the meeting by reviewing the work group ground rules and process for allowing the public to make comments during the meeting. The WG reviewed suggested edits to the draft BMP document it has developed over the last several months.
The Biomedical Best Management Practices Work Group (BMP WG) met on March 13th via webinar to continue addressing the Board task to review and update the Biomedical BMPs. The WG reviewed a draft document including the recommended modifications to the BMPs.
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