Review of Area 1 Evaluation for Mandatory V-notching. Continuation of discussion of Evaluation Criteria/Tools for management measures within LCMT are management plans. Discussion on Standardization of Trawl Survey Trends.
Technical Committee Reports and Summaries
Detailed analyses and recommendations from technical committees, including working groups, sub-committees, plan development teams, and plan review teams, on specific scientific and management issues related to fisheries.
Update of the Biological Reference Points. Creel Limit Tables. Commercial Reference Period. Data Collection Requirements. Age and Size Structure Options
The Atlantic Menhaden Technical Committee (TC) met on January 8, 2002 in Raleigh, NC to examine and respond to a number of issues that the Menhaden Management Board identified.
FMP Discussion included Amendment 4, Addendum III, and Addendum IV. Also, Technical Committee Review of Trawl Survey Trends 2001, and Review of Area 2 Proposal.
The Technical Committee (TC) reviewed the annual compliance reports of 2000 spawning stock surveys by participating states. After discussion, the TC unanimously recommended approval of the reports. As part of this review, the TC discussed the requirement for analysis of recreational harvest and effort.
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