The Coastal Sharks Technical Committee (TC) held a two-day meeting in Annapolis Maryland on September 24 and 25, 2007. The meeting began with some background information including a summary of the Spiny Dogfish & Coastal Shark Management Board Summer meeting, an overview of the proposed alternatives contained in federal Amendment II, and update of the Small Coastal Shark (SCS) review workshop.
Technical Committee Reports and Summaries
Detailed analyses and recommendations from technical committees, including working groups, sub-committees, plan development teams, and plan review teams, on specific scientific and management issues related to fisheries.
The Technical Committee (TC) met with the main objective of reviewing the 2007 trigger exercises and determining what would be presented to the Board. Other agenda items included electing a chair and vice chair and considering the timeline for the next assessment. The TC last met on August 29, 2006.
Amendment 2 to the Summer Flounder Fishery Management Plan (FMP) requires that the Summer Flounder Monitoring Committee meet annually to review the best available biological and fisheries data and make recommendations regarding the commercial quota and other management measures. This memorandum summarizes fisheries data for summer flounder and details the staff position on the 2008 total allowable landings level (TAL) and management measures for the commercial fishery.
Coastal Sharks Technical Committee Recommendations on Interstate Fishery Management Plan — June 2007
The following are consensus recommendations from Coastal Shark Technical Committee members who attended a three-day meeting from June 25 – 26, 2007 in Raleigh North Carolina. The TC convened to develop technically rigorous options for the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Coastal Sharks and give feedback on the various options contained in the plan.
Meeting Overview The Technical Committee (TC) met by conference call to review a conservation equivalency proposal from Rhode Island for the commercial trap fishery, and to discuss a suggestion to ask the Management Board to send a letter requesting that Wave 1 sampling be placed as a priority for improving the MRFSS survey.
The Red Drum Technical Committee met in Charleston, South Carolina for one day with the following objectives: review the benchmark stock assessment process and develop a preliminary assessment timeline; customize a standard data availability template; review state data, discuss data deficiencies, and identify methods for improvement; and continue a discussion of the FMP SPR objective.
The Red Drum Stock Enhancement Subcommittee met on May 25, in Charleston, South Carolina for its first meeting. The objectives of the meeting were discussing an economic benefit-cost study on South Carolina’s stocking program, reviewing state status on stock enhancement, and determining next steps for the production of the stock enhancement guidelines document.
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