The Atlantic Menhaden Technical Committee was tasked by the Management Board (M-13-057) with reviewing a survey proposal titled A comprehensive aerial survey design: comparing biomass estimates of Atlantic menhaden captured within and outside the normal fishery range and the implications for improved management of this resource and authored by Dr. James Sulikowski, Dr. Alexia Morgan, and Ms. Amy Carlson from the University of New England. A brief summary of the TC’s review and detailed responses to each Term of Reference are provided.
Technical Committee Reports and Summaries
Detailed analyses and recommendations from technical committees, including working groups, sub-committees, plan development teams, and plan review teams, on specific scientific and management issues related to fisheries.
This memorandum serves as a report on the use of the traffic light approach the South Atlantic State/Federal Management Board requested the Atlantic Croaker Technical Committee (TC) develop during the 2012 August Board meeting.
The Coastal Sharks Technical Committee (TC) held a conference call to discuss possible impacts to state fisheries if dusky sharks and/or great hammerhead sharks are listed under the Endangered Species Act. The TC also reviewed the recent North Carolina study concerning smoothhound fin-to-carcass ratios.
The Atlantic Croaker Technical Committee and Spot Plan Review Team held a conference call to follow up on the May 2013 conference call regarding updating the Trigger Exercises. On this call the group reviewed the stoplight methodology using Atlantic Croaker data provided by the SCDNR, discussed the merits of its use in the Trigger Exercises, and thought through a tentative schedule to provide the South Atlantic State Federal Management Board with recommendations from the group in time for the August 2013 meeting.
The Adaptive Resource Management Subcomittee (ARM WG) held a meeting to discuss red knot stopover population estimates and red knot threshold calibration for the 2014 ARM model. In addition, the ARM WG discussed horseshoe crab abundance data issues which included lack of data for 2012, lack of funding for the 2013 survey and possible solutions to these issues. The meeting concluded by outlining the schedule for the 2014 ARM optimized harvest output and briefly discussing other issues.
The Atlantic Croaker Technical Committee and Spot Plan Review Team held a conference call to review the 2012 Trigger Exercise results (using data from 2011), the South Atlantic State-Federal Board’s request from the August 2012 ASMFC meeting, and a plan to carry out an up of the triggers with 2012 data.
Report on the Federal Specifications and the Reopening of the Southern New England-Mid-Atlantic Winter Flounder Fishery
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