The Section asked the TC to expand on the report with 1) specific budget needs for resources, such as personnel and transport; 2) alternative sampling measures to address the challenge of transporting fresh offshore samples; and 3) possible management options for offshore spawning areas.
Technical Committee Reports and Summaries
Detailed analyses and recommendations from technical committees, including working groups, sub-committees, plan development teams, and plan review teams, on specific scientific and management issues related to fisheries.
The Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Technical Committee (TC) met to discuss approaches for setting future recreational measures. The TC reviewed two projects‐ A Model to Evaluate Recreational Management Measures by John Ward ; and Summer Flounder Management Strategy Evaluation by Mike Wilberg and John Weidenmann‐ to assess their utility in informing the recreational specification process. Listed below are the summary reviews of each project, followed by more detailed review notes. Both models have the potential to inform the management process but need further evaluation before the TC recommends the models for management use. It should be noted…
The Delaware Bay Ecosystem Technical Committee (DBETC) met to review the Adaptive Resource Management (ARM) harvest output for the 2014 fishing year. The DBETC also reviewed horseshoe crab surveys. Usually, the DBETC also reviews shorebird surveys; however, the committee was not able to do so this year due to extenuating circumstances.
The Horseshoe Crab Technical Committee (TC) met to review the 2013 stock assessment update for horseshoe crabs. The TC also reviewed the Adaptive Resource Management (ARM) harvest recommendations. States updated the TC on the status of Asian horseshoe crab importation in their state, and the TC also discussed promoting the use of artificial bait in the conch and whelk fisheries.
Draft Addendum VI and Nantucket Shoals/Georges Bank Spawning Study
The Adaptive Resource Management Working Group (ARM WG) held a conference call to discuss options to estimate horseshoe crab abundance in the Delaware Bay and to prepare for the ARM model harvest outputs for 2014.
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