In preparation for the 2014 benchmark stock assessment, the Atlantic menhaden Technical Committee (TC) and Stock Assessment Subcommittee (SAS) have held seven joint webinars and four in-person meetings to date. This fifth progress report memorandum contains a summary from the first three three webinars. The primary goal of these webinars was to finalize data preparations and preliminary analyses in advance of the Assessment Workshop.
Technical Committee Reports and Summaries
Detailed analyses and recommendations from technical committees, including working groups, sub-committees, plan development teams, and plan review teams, on specific scientific and management issues related to fisheries.
The following memo contains the Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Technical Committee Review of the Summer Flounder Regional Proposals and Black Sea Bass State Proposals for the 2014 recreational fishery.
This report compiles the winter flounder abundance and biomass indices from the state fishery independent surveys through fishing year 2012 (May 2012 through April 2013). Overall, the trends remain flat and low for both GOM and SNE/MA winter flounder stocks; adult and juvenile indices tend to be below the time series average.
This memorandum offers a draft management framework and considerations regarding the use of the traffic light analysis model the South Atlantic State/Federal Management Board requested the Atlantic Croaker Technical Committee (TC) and Spot Plan Review Team (PRT) develop during the 2013 August Board meeting.
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