the Board directed the Technical Committee to investigate the impacts of a number of variables to shed light on the large differences between actual harvest and those estimated for the ocean and Bay recreational fisheries. Enclosed is the Technical Committee report evaluating the performance of Addendum IV regulatory measures in 2015.
Technical Committee Reports and Summaries
Detailed analyses and recommendations from technical committees, including working groups, sub-committees, plan development teams, and plan review teams, on specific scientific and management issues related to fisheries.
During their September 27th ‐28th meeting in Gloucester, MA, the American Lobster Technical Committee (TC) discussed ways to analyze the effects of season closures and trip limits on egg production in Southern New England (SNE). This discussion was prompted by a request from the Plan Development Team (PDT), who was interested in learning more about the potential impacts of these management tools on the stock.
At the August 2016 meeting, the Atlantic Menhaden Management Board (Board) requested the Technical Committee (TC) provide information on recent recruitment trends in the fishery. Given that recruitment trends are derived from the Beaufort Assessment Model and can only be updated during a stock assessment, the TC decided to investigate juvenile abundance indices (JAIs) as a proxy for recruitment.
The Tautog Technical Committee (TC) and Stock Assessment Subcommittee (SAS) held a joint conference call to develop a standardized protocol for the short‐term projections that will be done as part of the assessment update. In addition, the group also discussed some questions regarding ASAP input data and model configuration, and reviewed the update report outline.
Evaluation of Management Tools to Increase Egg Production in SNE
The following analysis looks at the effect of gauge size changes on egg production, exploitation, spawning stock biomass (SSB), reference abundance, and catch. This work is intended to provide a holistic view of stock and fishery changes that may result from alterations to the minimum and maximum gauge size.
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