The Shad and River Herring Technical Committee (TC) met via conference call to review the Massachusetts Sustainable Fishery Management Plan (SFMP) update for shad in the Merrimack River, discuss progress and next steps on the October 2017 Board task regarding improvements to Amendments 2 and 3, and receive an update on the ongoing American shad benchmark stock assessment.
Technical Committee Reports and Summaries
Detailed analyses and recommendations from technical committees, including working groups, sub-committees, plan development teams, and plan review teams, on specific scientific and management issues related to fisheries.
A joint meeting between the Red Drum Stock Assessment Subcommittee (SAS) and representatives from the Assessment Science Committee (ASC) was held to identify improvements that can be made from the previous red drum stock assessment to the next.
Move to task the Technical Committee to review weakfish discard data from the Northeast Federal Observer Program and from vessel trip reports (VTRs), analyze landings data to see if the occurrences of commercial trips approaching the 100-lb trip limit have increased, and to characterize the fisheries with substantial weakfish discards to see if different trip limits could be implemented to turn discards into landings and/or if fishing modifications could be made to minimize discards.
The Shad and River Herring Technical Committee (TC) met via conference call to discuss the October 2017 Board task to develop proposed improvements to Amendments 2 and 3.
At the October 2017 meeting, the Tautog Management Board (Board) tasked the Technical Committee (TC) to investigate the biological sampling needs to support continued regional stock assessments for tautog, and recommend any revisions to the biological sampling requirements. This task resulted from a Plan Review Team concern that in recent years several states were unable to meet the minimum requirement of 200 samples. On June 1 and September 7, 2018 the Tautog TC convened via conference call to address this task.
Atlantic Croaker and Spot Plan Development Team Meeting Summary — July 2018
the Board tasked the Technical Committee (TC) to identify the data sets most important to Atlantic sturgeon stock assessment, and develop recommendations regarding where to focus state resources.
Report on Board Task to Evaluate Recreational Landings
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