Law Enforcement Committee
Offering insights into discussions, strategies, and decisions made by the Law Enforcement Committee, highlighting efforts to enhance enforcement of fisheries regulations and improve compliance across jurisdictions.
Review and Discuss Vessel Tracker Agency Interface (J. Simpson); Discuss and Consider Changes to Enforceability Guidelines (J. Snellbaker); Review and Discuss Commission Species (as needed); Atlantic Striped Bass Plan Review Team Compliance Question; Review and Discuss Ongoing Enforcement Activities (Closed Session)
Review and Discuss Vessel Tracks Agency Interface (J. Simpson); Update on Changes to Enforceability Guidelines (J. Snellbaker); Review and Discuss Commission Species (as needed); State Agency Reports
The Law Enforcement Committee provided input on the Striped Bass Draft Amendment 7 options addressing recreational release mortality.
The Law Enforcement Committee (LEC) met via teleconference to review conservation equivalency proposals in the striped bass and bluefish fisheries, specifically to discuss the enforceability of proposed management measures.
Appoint Nominations Subcommittee for LEC officers; Review LEC Input on Circle Hook Regulations and Enforcement; Review LEC Input on Atlantic Striped Bass Addendum VI; Review Offshore Enforcement Issues for American Lobster (tentative); Review and Discuss State Compliance Reporting Process (tentative); Review and Discuss ASMFC Species (as Needed); Follow-up Discussion on Tautog Commercial Tagging Implementation
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