Public comments accepted from March 20 to April 16, 2025
Press Releases
This report informs stakeholders on the use of federal and state funds provided to the Commission for FY 2024.
ASMFC’s Spiny Dogfish Management Board approved Addendum VII to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Spiny Dogfish. The Addendum implements measures to maintain consistency with the federal FMP in response to Spiny Dogfish Framework Adjustment 6.
ASMFC’s Horseshoe Crab Management Board approved Draft Addendum IX for public comment. The Draft Addendum considers allowing the Board to set specifications for male-only harvest for multiple years.
The Addendum will consider repealing all Addendum XXVII measures pertaining to gauge and escape vent size limits. This action responds to fervent industry concerns about the potential economic impacts of an increase to the minimum gauge size in the Gulf of Maine and uncertainty with trade issues with Canada.
The Draft Amendment considers options for setting multi-year moratoria and implementing management triggers. Management trigger options include biologic and environmental triggers comprised of indicators that would signal improvement in stock conditions and the potential to re-open the fishery.
The Commission’s Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board has initiated Draft Addendum III to consider recreational and commercial management measures for 2026 to support rebuilding the stock by 2029. Options will consider a range of reductions for the recreational and commercial fisheries. Recreational reductions will consider season and size limits that take into account regional differences, including no-harvest and no-targeting closures. Final action is planned for no later than October 2025 with implementation in early 2026.
Arlington, VA – The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Northern Shrimp Section has maintained the current moratorium on northern shrimp fishing through the 2025 fishing year. This action responds to the findings of the 2024 Stock Assessment Update, which indicates the northern shrimp stock has been at low levels of biomass for over the past […]
Board to Meet in December to Consider Changing Measures for 2025 to Increase Probability of Rebuilding the Stock
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