Use of New York Bight habitat by juvenile yellowtail flounder; Vice President Gore announces clean water initiative; States assist NMFS and Councils in accessing essential fish habitat data; Habitat Committee adopts SAV Policy Implementation Plan; Edwards Dam re-licensing denied
Explore the ASMFC newsletter archive to access a comprehensive collection of past issues. Each newsletter offers insights into recent developments, ongoing projects, and key achievements in fisheries management along the Atlantic coast.
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals in marine and estuarine systems: should we be concerned?; NACo Implements nonpoint source pollution program; Linking town hall to technology and land use to water quality in Connecticut; Settlement speeds Puerto Rico coral reef repair; Profile: the EPA Office of Sustainable Ecosystems and Communities; Florida’s statewide ocean resource inventory project; National Estuary Program bill reintroduced in House; Poll shows Americans support environmental protection; Conference – Global Climate Change: What Does it Mean for the Mid-Atlantic States?
Atlantic coastal watershed losses and the economic value of fisheries: a state by state review; Wetlands for clean water: how wetlands protect rivers, lakes, and coastal waters from pollution; New Jersey legislators introduce federal clean water enforcement bills; EPA publishes toxic release inventory; NC lawsuit seeks tougher pollution limits; Rhode Island dredging study leads to action; American Sportfishing Association announces clean water effort; Good news for wetlands: It’s Ba-a-ack!!; Comments on dioxin due to EPA by September 5; Wetland protection options for local governments; Maryland Coastal Bays National Estuary Program focuses on habitat; Pfiesteria implicated in Chesapeake Bay fish kills
New Jersey Governor meets dredging issues head on: Governor supports integrated task force’s recommendations which protect economy and environment; Clean Water Act reauthorization; Protecting fish habitat trade show exhibit: get the message out!; NY/NJ Harbor Estuary Plan released for public comment; Local coalition heads off stormwater pollution
Magnuson-Stevens Act strengthens habitat mandates: the new NMFS and Council habitat mandates are not quite as powerful as a regulatory ‘hammer’ or as threatening as a set of regulatory ‘teeth’, but do provide a louder voice for fishery managers on habitat issues, and a step in the right direction; Exotic species transported in ship ballast wreak ecological havoc; Fishermen preventing vessel related pollution: a national effort; PAHs in the marine environment; Clean Water Network organizes ’97 campaign; South Carolina wetlands mitigation bank; Marine Fish Conservation Network closes its doors; Port of New York/New Jersey Dredged Material Management Plan Interim Report…
ASMFC steps up habitat and fishery management integration in weakfish FMP; Vice-President Gore announces compromise: NJ mud dump to close, ports remain open, minimal changes to EPA regulations; Mid-Atlantic Fishery management Council opposes lease sales off New Jersey; Legislative update: private property rights/takings, Magnuson Act, mitigation banking bill; NMFS national habitat plan approved; Alliance working to restore Americas [sic] estuaries; Corps of Engineers proposes changes to nationwide permit program; EPA promotes watershed based pollution trading; National Association of Counties sponsors coastal watershed initiative
Habitat managers workshop integrates research, management, and communication; President signs Coastal Zone Management Act; Federal private property/takings legislation; Clean Water Act reauthorization; Fisheries and Pollution 1996: The Second Annual Conference on Population-Level Effects of Marine Contamination; Federal government propses sand mining off New Jersey coast: comments due July 20; American Fisheries Society Sponsors Symposium on Estuaries; International Conference on Shellfish Restoration: Improving the Health of Coastal Ecosystems through Shellfish Restoration
Management of Atlantic coastal marine fish habitat: a workshop for habitat managers; North Carolina drafts strong habitat recommendations: review panel discusses changes to marine fisheries habitat protection program; EPA considers expanding mud dump site; EPA proposes controversial changes to ocean dumping regulations; Clinton/Congress reach FY 1996 Budget agreement
Sand mining for beach nourishment: investigating fisheries impacts; Outer continental shelf sand mining operation to restore Florida beaches; Protecting fish habitat in New Jersey: fisherman Bill Sheehan promotes the Hackensack River Estuary
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