Restoring Coastal Habitat NOAA’s Restoration Center Partnerships Along the Atlantic Coast; Reducing Pollution by Trading Nitrogen Credits; Report Calls for Conservation of Vital Juvenile Fish Habitat; Potential Impact of Heavy Rainfall on Fish Habitat
Habitat Hotline Atlantic
Beach nourishment: possible impacts to fish and fish habitat; World summit agreements on ocean and fisheries; First assessment of U.S. coral reefs
Protecting Horseshoe Crab Habitat Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Brochure Available; Impact of Noise on Marine Mammals and Fish Remains Unclear
Atlantic States prepare conservation plans for submerged aquatic vegetation; Shad and river herring habitat restoration; Report describes status of SAV restoration and fish passage in Chesapeake Bay
How is the drought impacting fish habitat?; Climate and drought; New online atlas of the oceans; 63 dams to be removed in 2002; Beach water quality information available online; Low-polluting engine initiative expands in New England
How are cooling water intake structures at power plants impacting fish?; Development of regulations for cooling water intake structures; U.S. fish stocks on a path toward recovery; NRC report on effects of trawling and dredging on seafloor habitat; Effects of fishing gear on Northeast marine habitats; North Atlantic food fish catches declines by half while fishing effort tripled; Final rule for essential fish habitat published
Fiber Optic Cables: Issues for Marine Habitat & Fisheries; Early Indications of Lobster Decline in Gulf of Maine; Horseshoe Crab Reserve Created–Area Closed to Fishing; NRC Studies Effects of Bottom Trawling on Seafloor Habitat
Salt Marshes in the Gulf of Maine: How are fish utilizing this important habitat?Habitat Committee Moves Forward on SAV and Gear Impacts Report; National Oceans Commission Created; CA Chemical Companies to Pay for DDT Clean Up & Wildlife Restoration
ASMFC Finalizes Guidelines for Evaluating Fishing Gear Impacts to Submerged Aquatic Vegetation; Environmentalists Sue NMFS To Stop Reopening Areas on Georges Bank to Scallop Dredging; Flags Used to Protect Eelgrass from Boating Impacts
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