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A moratorium was imposed on the northern shrimp fishery for the 2014 season. Northern shrimp abundance in the western Gulf of Maine had declined steadily since 2006.
In 2013, the Northern Shrimp Section increased the number of landings days for the trawl fishery from two to four. This was due to low landings since the start of the season and the desire to provide the trawl fishery with greater access to the resource.
The Advisory Panel (AP) met on April 30, 2013 in Portland, ME. The two main agenda items were (1) discuss recommendations for the 2013/2014 season; and (2) discuss next steps for northern shrimp management.
Addendum I to Amendment 2, approved in November 2012, provides flexibility to set a hard total allowable catch (TAC), allocate the TAC by gear type (including a transferability provision), and close the fishery when a percentage of the TAC is reached to prevent overages from late and incomplete reporting. Additionally, the document establishes a set…
Input on Draft Addendum I
The Northern Shrimp Technical Committee (NSTC) met via conference call on September 11, 2012 to make modeling decisions for the new stock assessment model being developed, plan for upcoming NSTC related meetings, and elect a new NSTC chair.
The Advisory Panel (AP) met on May 17, 2012 in Yarmouth, ME. The two main agenda items were (1) review the advisory panel membership; and (2) discuss next steps for northern shrimp management.
The Section took emergency action to close the northern shrimp fishery on February 17, 2012. Because harvest had averaged about 400 mt per week and the fishery was known to have considerable late reporting, landings were projected to have already exceeded the total allowable catch (TAC) of 2,211 mt at the time of closure.
Therefore, draft Amendment 2 is designed to provide flexible management options including a clarification of fishing mortality reference points, a timely and comprehensive reporting system, trip limits, trap limits, and days out of the fishery.
The Advisory Panel (AP) met on June 7, 2011 in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The two main agenda items were (1) review public comment regarding the Public Information Document (PID) for Amendment 2 to the FMP for Northern Shrimp; and (2) make recommendations to the Section on management options appropriate for the northern shrimp fishery.
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