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The Section took emergency action to close the northern shrimp fishery on February 28, 2011. The decision to close the fishery prior to the season end of April 15th was based on preliminary landings data that indicated that harvest was already at 4,192 metric tons, 192 metric tons in excess of the NSTC recommended landings…
The Advisory Panel met on October 21, 2010 in Portland, Maine. The two main agenda items were (1) reviewing the previous fishing season and current assessment; and (2) discussion recommendations for shrimp management in the future.
In April 2010, the Section took emergency action to close the northern shrimp fishery on May 5, 2010. The decision to close the fishery prior to the season end of May 29th was based on preliminary landings data that indicated that harvest was already at or above 4,957 metric tons, 57 metric tons in excess…
The following report presents the results of the Technical Committee’s 2009 stock assessment.
The Advisory Panel met on October 29, 2008, in Portland, Maine. The two main agenda items were (1) reviewing the previous fishing season and current assessment; and (2) discussion recommendations for shrimp management in the future.
Prepared October 28, 2008 by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Northern Shrimp Technical Committee
Prepared October 31, 2007, by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Northern Shrimp Technical Committee
The Section continued to require the use of a finfish excluder device known as the “Nordmore Grate” throughout the shrimp fishing season. The Section also maintained the requirement that made it unlawful to use mechanical “shaking” devices to cull, grade, or separate catches of shrimp.
The Shrimp Advisory Panel met at the Holiday Inn by the Bay in Portland, Maine, on October 27, 2005. The Panel met to discuss the 2005 assessment and make recommendations for the 2005-2006 fishing season.
Prepared November 8, 2005, by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Northern Shrimp Technical Committee
The goal of Amendment 1 is to manage the northern shrimp fishery in a manner that is biologically, economically, and socially sound, while protecting the resource, its users, and opportunities for participation by all stakeholders.
The Northern Shrimp Advisory Panel (AP) met on October 25, 2004, in Portland, Maine. It met to review the shrimp stock assessment and to develop a recommendation for the Northern Shrimp Section for the 2005 shrimp season.
The Shrimp Advisory Panel met at the Casco Bay Ferry Terminal in Portland, Maine, on September 28, 2004. The Panel met to discuss the 2004 fishing season, 2003 assessment, and recommendations made at the Sea Grant workshops held last spring.
The following report presents the results of the Technical Committee’s 2004 stock assessment.
The following report presents the results of the Technical Committee’s 2003 stock assessment.
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