American Lobster Stock Assessment Peer Review Workshop

Starts August 10, 2020 9:00 am

Ends August 14, 2020 3:30 pm




Draft Agenda

Webinar link:

You can listen in via your computer using Voice over IP (VoIP) or via the phone number and access code below.

By phone - United States: +1 (866) 899 4679; Access Code: 261-071-141 

Please note the peer review is open to the public, except for discussion of confidential commercial landings data and the Peer Review Panel’s final deliberations, when the public and all other workshop participants will be asked to exit the webinar. The draft assessment report and the peer review report will not be made publically available until mid-October as part of the American Lobster Management Board’s meeting materials, since neither report is considered final until they are accepted by the Board for management use. We request that participants not share or distribute information that is presented at the workshop since the final results may change based on the Peer Review Panel’s final deliberations.

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