Starts June 2, 2020 11:00 am
Ends June 5, 2020 4:00 pm
Information:Email: Webinar: Confidential data (see NOTE below) are data such as commercial landings that can be identified down to an individual or single entity. Federal and state laws prohibit the disclosure of confidential data. Each state and federal agency is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of its data and deciding who has access to its confidential data. In the case of this stock assessment and peer review, all analysts and reviewers have been granted permission by the appropriate agencies to use and view confidential data. When the assessment team needs to show and discuss these data or the Peer Review Panel begins its final deliberations, the public and all other workshop participants will be asked to exit the webinar. It’s anticipated that the benchmark assessment and peer review report will be considered by the Shad & River Herring Management Board in August. NOTE: In determining what data are confidential, most agencies use the “rule of 3” for commercial catch and effort data. The “rule of 3” requires three separate contributors to fisheries data in order for the data to be considered non-confidential. This protects the identity of any single contributor. In some cases, annual summaries by state and species may still be confidential because only one or two dealers process the catch. Alternatively, if there is only one known harvester of a species in a state, the harvester’s identity is implicit and the data for that species from that state is confidential. Description
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United States: +1 (646) 749-3129 ; If calling from Canada use: +1 (647) 497-9391
Access Code: 761-660-405
The assessment will evaluate the status of American shad populations along the Atlantic coast and inform the management of this species. The peer review is open to the public, except for discussions of confidential data when the public will be asked to exit the webinar.