ASMFC Atlantic Herring Section Conf Call

Starts June 15, 2015 3:00 pm

Ends June 15, 2015 4:00 pm




Draft Agenda; dial 888.394.8197 and passcode 815277 to join conference call.

The Commission’s Atlantic Herring Section will meet via conference call on Monday, June 15, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. to consider withdrawing Draft Amendment 3 to the Atlantic Herring Fishery Management Plan from public consideration and review in order to further develop the proposed spawning protection measures. Draft Amendment 3, which is currently out for public comment, addresses three major issues: spawning protection measures, fixed gear set-aside provisions, and requirements to empty fish holds. After additional review of the Draft Amendment, some Section members expressed concern the document does not adequately address spawning protection in the Eastern Gulf of Maine. If the document is withdrawn, the Section would meet in August to provide further direction to the Plan Development Team and the Technical Committee on refining the proposed spawning protection measures.  Upon Section approval of the revised Draft Amendment, the document will be released for another round of public input.

The public is welcome to listen to the discussion by phone. We ask the public and other nonparticipating attendees to please mute their phones in order to minimize distractions to the Section’s deliberations. Time permitting, there will be a limited opportunity to provide comments at the end of the agenda. The Section Chair will provide additional information on the procedures for accepting public comment at the beginning of the conference call.

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