Robert E. Beal
Executive Director
Policy development and implementation, legislative activities
Meet the dedicated team behind the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. Our staff directory provides an overview of the experts and professionals who drive our fisheries management and conservation efforts. Learn more about their roles, expertise, and how to connect with them as we work together to sustain Atlantic coastal resources.
Executive Director
Policy development and implementation, legislative activities
Legislative Program Coordinator
Staff to Legislative Committee, appropriations requests/follow-ups, Capitol Hill relations, legislation tracking and advocacy
Director of Communications
Media relations, public outreach, advisory panel process, Fisheries Focus, press releases, website
Outreach and Fisheries Assistant
Support to outreach, fisheries management, and science programs
Fisheries Policy Director
ISFMP oversight & policy development, Atlantic striped bass
Fishery Management Plan Coordinator
Black sea bass, sciaenids (Atlantic croaker, black drum, red drum, spot and spotted sea trout), weakfish and winter flounder
Fishery Management Plan Coordinator
Atlantic menhaden, Atlantic sturgeon, shad & river herring, spiny dogfish, tautog
Fishery Management Plan Coordinator
Atlantic herring, Atlantic migratory group cobia, Atlantic striped bass, Spanish mackerel
Senior Fishery Management Plan Coordinator
American eel, American lobster, coastal sharks, horseshoe crab, Jonah crab
Fishery Management Plan Coordinator
Bluefish, northern shrimp, scup, summer flounder
Finance and accounting, human resources, office administration, meetings, grants management
Cooperative Projects Coordinator
Cooperative project oversight
Human Resources Administrator
Human resources and travel vouchers
Deputy Director of Administration
Human resources, meetings, contracts
Accounting Manager
General ledger, payroll
Facilities and Technology Administrator
IT support
Fisheries Science Program oversight, fisheries research coordination, peer reviews
Stock Assessment Team Lead
Stock assessments (Atlantic menhaden, Atlantic striped bass, Atlantic sturgeon, bluefish, ecological reference points, northern shrimp, shad & river herring, tautog, weakfish), stock assessment training, recreational fishing surveys and analyses
ACFHP Director and Habitat Committee Coordinator
Oversees the activities of the Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership (ACFHP) and coordinates the activities of the Commission’s Habitat Committee
Senior Stock Assessment Scientist
Stock assessments (American lobster, Atlantic croaker, black drum, Jonah crab, red drum, spot), stock assessment training, fish passage, fishing gear technology, interstate tagging
Fisheries Science Coordinator
Coordination and support of ASMFC science-based committees, including Committee on Economics and Social Sciences; the Assessment Science Committee; the Management and Science Committee; Ecological Reference Point Work Group; Risk & Uncertainty Work Group; and the fisheries-independent data collection and data management efforts of the Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (SEAMAP)-South Atlantic and the Northeast…
Stock Assessment Scientist
Stock Assessments (American eel, Atlantic croaker, Atlantic menhaden, Atlantic striped bass, coastal sharks, horseshoe crab, tautog)
Program management and oversight; Coordinating Council support
Deputy Director
Annual RFP process and Operations Committee
Program Assistant
Program support and outreach
Data Team Lead
Data Coordinator
Senior Data Coordinator
Staff contact for Commercial Technical Committee; SAFIS data; Seafood Traceability
Data Analyst
Staff contact for highly migratory species data; data load verification processes
Senior Data Coordinator
Staff contact for data loads and merges; Biological Review Panel; Bycatch Prioritization Committee
Fisheries Data Analyst
Recreational Team Lead
Data Coordinator
Support for APAIS and For-hire Telephone Survey (FHTS)
Senior Data Coordinator
Support for APAIS and FHTS
Software and IT Team Lead
Guidance for software, APIs, database and security
Software Developer
SAFIS development and database PL/SOL
Support for SAFIS and other ACCSP Software
Support for SAFIS and other ACCSP Software
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