Risk & Uncertainty update, Review of current research, Update on socioeconomics in ASMFC Lobster Stock Assessment, Developing socioeconomic indicators
Review of Data Availability Survey, Next Steps for References Master List, CESS Expertise and Impact, Risk and Uncertainty Update
NOAA Social Indicators, NEFMC Study, Potential State-Related Projects, Management Decisions to Economic Costs, Review of the ASMFC Executive Committee Meeting and Potential Upcoming Tasks, Risk and Uncertainty Tool
The Committee on Economics and Social Sciences (CESS) developed a list of priority socioeconomic data elements for coastwide collection. The list is not exhaustive; it represents key elements that can serve as a baseline of fundamental socioeconomic information to support management decisions. The
Updates from CESS Species Representatives (S. Ebbin); Discussion of Draft Risk and Uncertainty Policy (S. Murray); Overview of ASMFC Processes (S. Murray); Discussion of ASMFC Socioeconomic Information Needs (S. Ebbin, S. Murray); Recess to Observe Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Board Meeting; Discussion of Committee’s Current and Future Role in ASMFC Processes (S. Ebbin)
In this project we will collect and analyze primary and secondary data, both quantitative and qualitative, from the U.S. Atlantic menhaden commercial and recreational fishery markets. The goal is to provide a document that characterizes the socioeconomic dimensions of menhaden fisheries stakeholders and can be used to support economic analysis of alternative menhaden allocations.
As discussed at the August meeting of the Atlantic Menhaden Management Board (Board), the Committee on Economics and Social Sciences (CESS) is developing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to conduct a study on the socioeconomics of Atlantic menhaden commercial fisheries.
In an effort to evaluate the potential economic impacts of Addendum IV, the Atlantic State Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) contracted Industrial Economics, Incorporated (IEc) to conduct an economic assessment of the horseshoe crab and dependent fisheries, including American eel and conch, for the states most likely affected by the Addendum IV management measures: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Virginia.
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