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Draft Addendum XXII for Final Approval Final Action (K. Taylor). Consider Draft Habitat Addendum for Public Comment (K. Taylor) Action. Review of Lobster Trap Transferability Database Progress (M. Cahall). Update on Federal Management Actions (A. Murphy). Review of Lobster Gear Marking Regulation Inconsistencies (D. Grout).
The American Lobster Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Presidential Ballroom of the Crowne Plaza Hotel Old Town, Alexandria, Virginia, August 6, 2013, and was called to order at 11:10 o’clock a.m. by Chairman Douglas Grout.
This Addendum modifies some of the rules contained in Addenda XII and XIV, as well as establishes additional guidelines. Further modifications to the single and aggregate ownership caps for Area 3 will be considered under Draft Addendum XXII.
Draft Addendum XXI for Final Approval Final Action. Review of NOAA Fisheries American Lobster Proposed Rule (K. Taylor). Review of Lobster Gear Marking Regulation Inconsistencies (K. Taylor)
The American Lobster Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Presidential Ballroom of the Crowne Plaza Hotel Old Town, Alexandria, Virginia, May 20, 2013, and was called to order at 1:15 o’clock p.m. by Chairman Douglas Grout.
The Lobster Board initiated Draft Addendum XX at the November 2012 meeting with the following motion: Move to initiate the development of an addendum that would include measures outlined in the agreement between the offshore lobster fishery and sector trawl fishermen for bottom-sharing in Closed Area 2 in order to protect large concentrations of egg-bearing…
Consider Draft Addendum XXI for Public Comment (T. Kerns) Action. Overview of Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council Action on Special Management Zones Impacts to the Commercial Lobster Fishery (T. Kerns).
The American Lobster Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Presidential Ballroom of the Crowne Plaza Hotel Old Town, Alexandria, Virginia, February 19, 2013, and was called to order at 9:30 o’clock a.m. by Chairman Douglas Grout.
The most recent transferability rules were established in Addenda XII and XIV. This addendum modifies the conservation tax for LCMA 3 to a single transfer tax of 10% for full or partial business sales.
Consider Draft Addendum XX for Public Comment (T. Kerns) Action. Consider Draft Addendum XXI for Public Comment (T. Kerns) Action. Draft Addendum XIX for Final Approval (T. Kerns) Final Action. Law Enforcement Committee Report (M. Robson) — Lobster Conservation Management Area 1 V-notch Definition.
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