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Consider Addendum VI on Maine Glass Eel Quota for Final Approval Final Action; Review Options and Public Comment Summary (C. Starks); Advisory Panel Report (M. Feigenbaum); Consider Approval of Addendum VI; Consider Addendum VII on Yellow Eel Yellow Eel Coastwide Cap and Monitoring for Final Approval Final Action; Review Options and Public Comment Summary (C.…
The Habitat Committee drafted text descriptions of FHOC for each Commission-managed species drawing on information from the current description of FHOC in the FMPs, species fact sheets, other ASMFC publications, and current literature.
At its November 28, 2023 meeting, the American Eel Plan Development Team (PDT) discussed the mandatory American eel harvester trip level catch and effort monitoring program required under Addendum I. Specifically, the PDT is considering whether or not to include options in the current draft addendum related to discontinuing this requirement. This memo requests the…
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