Meeting Summaries & Reports
The LEC meets twice a year during the Commission’s annual and spring meetings
The Law Enforcement Committee summarized the current regulations and enforcement efforts relating to the illegal harvest of glass eels (elvers) during a teleconference meeting.
At the winter 2014 meeting of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC), the Horseshoe Crab Management Board asked the Law Enforcement Committee (LEC) to summarize recent enforcement activities and issues relative to illegal harvest of horseshoe crabs (HSC). The LEC met via teleconference to address this issue.
Update on Asian Horseshoe Crab Importation (M. Hawk). Identification Issues for Dusky Sharks (M. Hawk). Review and Discussion of American Lobster Enforcement Issues — Gear Removal During Closed Periods and Transferrable Trap Tags. Review and Follow-up on American Eel Addenda.
The Law Enforcement Committee reviewed management options for reducing harvest of American eel as outlined in Draft Addendum III.
Review Draft Addendum III for American Eel and Public Comment — Consideration of Additional LEC Comments to the American Eel Management Board.
The Law Enforcement Committee reviewed management strategies in Draft Addendum III for reducing the harvest of American eel and provided comments on strategies for various life stages.